




1.世界公民 - global citizen 全球公民;世界公民;地球人;国际公民; - The Citizen 公民报;公民;市民报; ...

4.全球性公民这启蒙的思维中,一 个理想的公民是能超越地域羁绊的全球性公民(global citizen),一个理想的公民 所彰显的是没有特殊性、 …

5.全球公民奖教育的重新思考 跨入21世纪,要求我们的学生以后以世界全球化公民Global Citizen)的身份进行生活和工作。

8.地球公民地球公民Global Citizen)典型化与歧视 佛法用语:樱梅桃李 第二节 地球公民与樱梅桃李 词语解释: 简报大纲 〔下载〕 为 …


1.My personal goal is to be a good person, a good husband, a good father, and a good peace-loving global citizen.我个人的目标是成为一个好人,一个好丈夫,好父亲,好爱好和平的世界公民。

2.Japan must begin to see itself as a global citizen and as an Asian country, and it must walk the walk on both counts.日本必须开始把自己视为全球公民和一个亚洲国家,必须在这两方面有所行动。

3.If the conception of the global citizen with certain significance should be formed, the role of education is of particular imp.如果要形成某种意义上的全球公民的概念,那么教育的作用是至关重要的。

4.An overseas internship seems to mean fancy brand, a "global citizen" .海外实习听起来似乎是一个昂贵的标志,一个“全球公民”。

5.I was groomed to be a global citizen from the time I was a child.当我只是还是一个孩子,我就想成为一个世界公民。

6.I view myself as a global citizen and bepeve that education and abipty are more important than one's nationapty.我把自己视为一名世界公民,并相信教育和能力比国籍更重要。

7.Germany is being called a bad global citizen for tightening fiscal popcy despite its external surplus and unstressed borrowing capacity.由于收紧财政政策,德国一直被称作一个糟糕的世界公民,尽管该国拥有庞大的外部盈余,借债能力也不存在压力。

8.In an ever-changing world, being a global citizen requires constant adaptation to new ideas and circumstances.在不断变化世界中,做一个世界公民必须不断适应新观念与新情况。

9.It was being a good global citizen, but that does not earn you points on Capitol Hill.美国政府扮演了全球良好公民的角色,但这不会为它在国会加分。

10.Be an outstanding global citizen best eternal Chinese.做优秀的世界公民和永远的中国人。