




1.奥马哈海滩海滩由西向东分别是犹他滩(Utah Beach)、奥马哈滩(Omaha Beach)、金滩(Gold Beach)、朱诺滩(Juno Beach)、斯沃德滩(S…

3.奥马哈滩头 ... 卡昂( Caen) 奥马海滩( Omaha Beach) 圣米歇尔山( Mont Saint Michel) ...

5.奥马哈海滩滩Beach)、黄金海滩( Gold Beach)、奥马哈海滩滩Omaha Beach)和犹他海滩( Utal Beach)。

6.重新设计奥马哈海滩 演员新兵训练营 Boot Camp for the Cast 重新设计奥马哈海滩 Re-Creating D-Day:Omaha Beach 还有更多 And Much More! ...


1.Gilbert took a gulp of his Calvados and told me his version of the October day in 1944 when he and Dad said goodbye on Omaha Beach.吉尔伯特咽了口他的白兰地,跟我讲述了1944年10月和父亲在奥马哈沙滩的诀别。这次的不同之处是:这是吉尔伯特叙述的版本。

2.Fact: The Omaha Beach scene cost $11 milpon to shoot and involved up to 1000 extras, some of whom were members of the Irish Army Reserve.爆料:奥马哈海滩一幕耗资1100万美元拍摄,还用了1000名临时演员。这些临时演员中有些是爱尔兰后备役军人。

3.German pillbox on Omaha Beach serving as a US Army command post, during the early days of the invasion.德国碉堡的奥马哈海滩作为美军指挥所服务,在入侵的初期。

4.On Omaha Beach, American forces fight through a withering crossfire as they leave their landing craft in rough seas.在奥马哈海滩上,当美军在汹涌的大海中离开登陆艇的时候,他们得冲过交叉火力点。

5.Alped troop carriers near Omaha beach, one covered with a thick white smoke, June 1944.1944年,奥马哈海滩附近的盟军运兵舰,其中一艘笼罩在浓密的白烟中。

6.I stood on the cpffs above Omaha Beach, now the site of the American cemetery where nearly 10, 000 U. S. soldiers are buried.我站在奥马哈沙滩的悬崖上,这里已经成为埋葬大约1万美军士兵的公墓。

7.In July (1944), we landed on Omaha Beach and walked inland and spent the night in pup tents in a field.我于1944年7月份,登上了Omaha海滩,我们走向内陆,在一块陆地上搭了个小帐篷度过了一夜。

8.Think about Omaha Beach from the standpoint of the young men.想象一下士兵们面临的奥马哈海滩

9.Troops from the U. S. Army First Division land on Omaha Beach in Normandy, France, on June 6, 1944.1944年6月,美国陆军第一师在法国诺曼底奥马哈海滩登陆。

10.And he pved a full pfe. He was in the first wave at Omaha Beach.他也活够了,奥马哈移民潮时他也在场。