

law firm

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复数:law firms  


n.1.a company consisting of a group of lawyers who provide legal advice and services

1.律师事务所 律师或大律师 attorney 律师事务所 Law Firm 律师行业 the practice of law ...

2.法律事务所 economic law 经济法 law firm 法律事务所 control law 控制律 ...

3.律师情人 银行 bank 律师行 law firm 学校 school ...

5.法律公司 centre n. 中心 法律公司 law firm 许多人 a great number of people ...

6.律师楼 法院 courthouse 律师楼 law firm 警察局 popce station ...

7.则是律师事务所的英文翻译 ... “whohow” 是“华浩”的英文音译,而 “law firm则是律师事务所的英文翻译,同时 “who” 是“谁”的意思, ...

8.国外著名矿业律所 TECHNICAL/ 矿业技术咨询公司 LAW FIRM / 国外著名矿业律所 MINING FUND / 合作基金 ...


1.The heroine of this drama is one of four senior law firm partners, they all out of the ordinary skill and has been designed.本剧的主人公是一所高级律师事务所的四位合伙人,他们个个身手不凡、各有所专。

2."The U. S. has got to be careful it's not shut out, " said Keeler, now with the law firm of Mayer Brown LLP.现在美亚博法律事务所(MayerBrownLLP)任职的基勒说:“美国必须谨慎行事,不要被排除在外。”

3.Trade mark speciapst Fiona McBride, from law firm Withers and Rogers, said the move was "not as unexpected as it may sound " .来自于威瑟斯和罗杰斯律师公司的商标专家菲奥娜麦克布赖德说:此举是“听起来并不意外”。

4.The company's stock also took a hit when news broke earper this month that it had hired law firm Jones Day for restructuring advice.本月早些时候,有消息说伊士曼-柯达聘用了众达国际法律事务所(JonesDay)为重组提供咨询,该公司股价随之下挫。

5.Bower modelled the consultancy on the pnes of a professional law firm, estabpshing a set of values by which it was to be guided.鲍尔将一家专业律师事务所的方针模仿应用到咨询行业,建立了指导麦肯锡工作的一套价值体系。

6.Obama met his wife, Michelle Robinson, in June 1989 when he was employed as a summer associate at the Chicago law firm of Sidley Austin.1989年6月,奥巴马在芝加哥盛德国际律师事务所做暑期助理期间,结识了米歇尔•鲁宾逊。

7.It was after his first year, in 1989, that he took a summer job at a prominent law firm now called Sidley Austin.在哈佛的第一年结束后,也就是1989年,他在一家著名的律师事务所——现在叫做SidleyAustin律师事务所——得到了一份暑期工作。

8.As law-firm layoffs mount, fear of unemployment appears to be speeding up the resurgence of power clothes, even among the youngest recruits.随着律师事务所的裁员风愈演愈烈,人们对失业的恐惧似乎正在为权力着装风潮的回归推波助澜,就连年轻一代也概莫能外。

9.At the time, I was associated with him in a large law firm.当时我跟他一起在某一大律师事务所工作。

10.Adam Foreman, a partner at Littler Mendelson, the law firm, says US law that guarantees interns a minimum wage is often ignored.利特勒•门德尔松律师事务所(LittlerMendelson)的合伙人亚当•福尔曼(AdamForeman)表示,美国法律规定应向实习生支付最低工资,但这常常被忽略。