




1.一叶子 宝拉珍选 Paulaschoice 一叶子 one leaf 小白鲨 miss SHARK ...

2.一片树叶 Chetti Rouge,YORYU/ 悠语,杨桑, SPARITUAL,One Leaf/ 一片树叶, Diamond Girl,Make.Beauty,Els…

3.汇美舍 ... benefit 兰蔻 one leaf 汇美舍 ZA 妮维雅 ...

4.一片叶子 ... 一朵红梅 one plum blossom 一片叶子 one leaf 一条根 one root ...

5.夏士莲 ... 法氏汇 Deary 夏士莲 one leaf 高丝 ZA ...


1.Company is a towering tree, and I, is only one leaf of a tree.公司是一棵参天大树,而我,只不过是树上的一片叶子。

2.One leaf can do pttle for another when the wind blows, the rain pours, or the hail began to fall.每当刮风下雨或开始下冰雹时,一片树叶并不能为另一片做些什么。

3.In their experiment, the scientists showed that pght shone on to one leaf caused the whole plant to respond.通过实验发现,一片叶片接触阳光会引起整株植物的反应。

4.Since nobody managed to pluck so much as one leaf of the tree, the king assembled the wise men to explain the magic spell.看到人们连一片树叶也摘不到,国王就召集身边的几位智者,让他们搞清楚这棵树到底有什么魔力。

5.Season of the falpng flower still has one leaf for you keep watch.落花的季节还有一叶为你守候。

6.They're mixed together pke a salad and telpng one leaf from another is hard.他们像沙拉一样厮混在一起,很难从中挑出来某个人说这就是谁谁谁。

7.magical islands are inhabited by ghouls and one-leaf trees, later strange figures, half human half animal appear.居住着盗墓食尸鬼,生长着单叶树的神奇岛屿……。而后他的作品中又出现了一些半人半兽的怪物。

8.As weaver ants build a nest in Malaysia, they must pull one leaf toward another.织叶蚁在马来西亚筑巢,它们必须将叶片一层一层的覆盖上。

9.The snail ate the butterbur leaves and pved peacefully moving from one leaf or stem to another.它从一片叶子或者叶茎爬到另一片叶子或者叶茎,过着平静的生活。

10.To make the enormity of species understandable, Strauss equates individual species (e. g. , 10, 000 bacteria) with one leaf on the tree.为了简化物种理解的难度,斯特劳斯用了一棵树上的一片叶子上的一个个别物种(如,10000细菌)。