



美式发音: [əˈrɪdʒən(ə)l] 英式发音: [əˈrɪdʒ(ə)nəl]




复数:originals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.original source,original plan,original version,original text,original document



n.real McCoy,prototype,genuine article,pattern,archetype





adj.1.existing at the beginning of a period or process, before any changes have been made2.new, interesting, and different from anything else; capable of creating ideas, writings, etc. that are new, interesting, and different from anything else3.not copied from something else

n.1.the first form of something from which copies have been made; a painting or other piece of art that was done by the artist, not a copy of it2.someone who thinks or behaves in an unusual way and is interesting or entertaining

1.三叶草 ADIDAS 阿迪达斯 Originals 三叶草 Li-Ning 李 宁 ...

2.原物” origins“ 起源,由来”; originals原物,原件(作)”; discoveries“ 发现,发明 …

3.最初的 ... ) seemed( 看起来, 似乎) ) originals最初的,独创的, 原作品) ) resources( 资 …

4.阿迪达斯三叶草 Umbro 茵宝 Originals 阿迪达斯三叶草 Adidas 阿迪达斯 ...

5.原本 Irony 金属系列 Originals 原创系列 Skin 超薄系列 ...

7.原版电影海报谓双面海报-Q2、是不是单面海报就不是原版-Q3、原版电影海报(ORIGINALS)的定义-Q4、原版海报的尺寸-刘老板原版电影 …

8.原文圣经翻译在「忠於原文」方面几乎比任何一种翻译工作都要复杂,主要是因为原文originals)及源文(source texts)特别复 …


1.When such a transport document is issued in several originals, a full set of originals must be presented to the buyer.如此运输单据有数份正本,则应向买方提供全套正本。

2网站屏蔽ed for payment. Proforma invoice in five originals covering 100 pct of the total contract value used for customers clearance.合同金额的形式发票一式五份正本则用以客人清关之用。

3.They usually have actual vintage designer originals for you to see up-close to get an idea what you want before you venture out.这些博物馆通常会有复古设计师的原创作品让你在出去购物前能够知道自己要什么。

4.Even the most `repable' bookstores sold pirated editions to the pubpc as if they were the originals (Lawrence 5).甚至连最让人信赖的书店都向公众出售盗版,好像它们就是正版一样。

5.The originals of these capacitors were created with the ARK Crystal of Gravity, and used for anti gravitation .最初,这些电容器是以重力方舟水晶所造,被用作「反引力」之用。

6.Please be advised that the originals of shipping documents are being sent to you through the Bank of China.谨告之装船单证正本通过中国银行寄送你方。

7.I spent a few hours adding new films and re-rating some of the originals and finally came up with the top 20 as it stands now.我花了几个小时添加了一些新的电影,并重新最原来的一些电影进行了评论,最后才有了现在看到的20大黑帮电影。

8.Facsimile and emailed copies of signatures shall be deemed to be originals for purposes of the effectiveness of this Amendment.传真和电子邮件发送的签字页复印件为本修正案效力之目的应被视为原件。

9.The originals of the shipping documents are being sent to you through the Bank of China.装船单据正本通过中国银行寄送贵方。

10.But some academics now think it is possible to make cheap, knock-off versions of these expensive originals.但是一些学术界人士认为现在可以制造这些昂贵正版的廉价复制品。