




1.一心 ... one hundred twenty-eight fundamental affpctions 百二十八根本烦恼 one mind 一心 one vehicle 一乘 ...

2.横下一条心 One heart 同心 One mind 合意 For all You are is all I need 因为祢是我所需 ...

4.看法一致 ... in a/one word 简而言之 be of a/one mind 看法一致 a/one hundred percent 十足的 ...

5.同心合意4. 太十八19,徒一14 主教我们祷告,要同心合意…tow of you agree…使徒日后的祷告也是同心合意(one mind)。我相信在敬拜 …

6.一心不二1是「一心不二」(One Mind):你对修道这条路,无论别人怎样跟你譭谤,你都始终如一的相信,一心不二的修道,老老实实, …

7.一思想“第一课:合作。…(每位参与者)应理解在太一思想(ONE MIND)中---上帝之路---合作的意义;…在早晚的冥想打坐时,将自己置 …


1."It sounds as if the two of you are always of one mind. " Second Sister chuckled, "How would it be if we were to betroth you to him? "尤二姐听说,笑道:“依你说,你两个已是情投意合了。竟把你许给了他,岂不好?”

2.Auspicious Chinese knot connection with a pair of Heaven (and) one of the Chu Pui, the symbol of a harmonious China, one heart and one mind!吉祥中国结连接一对天人合(和)一的珠贝,象征和谐中国、万众一心!

3.Now the God of patience and of comfort grant you to be of one mind one towards another, according to Jesus Christ.愿赐忍耐和安慰的天主,赏赐你们仿效耶稣基督的榜样,彼此同心合意。

4.You know full well, while using them, that there is but the ONE MIND OF THE ONE LIVING GOD OF LOVE.使用它们时你充分认识到,只有唯一的MIND——来自一个有生命的爱之上帝。

5.In much the same way, each of us experiences ourself as separate, but in the deepest area of our mind, there is only one mind.以此比喻,我们干到我们每个人都是分离的,可是在深层心灵里,我们都是一体的。

6.I bepeve in God, Good, in One Mind, and I bepeve we are all subject to and part of this oneness.我信仰上帝、善良、还有一神论,我也相信我们皆属于这个唯一,是它的一部分。

7.Grow up, according to his own interest in this regard, one heart and one mind to do research and invention work.长大以后,他就根据自己这方面的兴趣,一心一意做研究和发明的工作。

8.Boshan smoked partridge best spot, Lo could not bear to see with one mind.博山熏尽鹧鸪斑,罗带同心不忍看。

9.Harmonize yourself with the One Mind of the Creator, no matter what name is called.让你自己和创造者之心和谐一致,无论它被叫做什么。

10.We are of one mind on the matter.在这件事情上我们意见一致。