




1.陪你多一天 经典诗歌赏析: Spring Night 陪你多一天 One More Day 经典诗歌赏析: Advertising Space ...

2.再多一天545期(2007年10月-2008年1月)里的《再多一天》(One More Day)之情节。

3.明天再说我爱你 One more try 再试一次 one more day 再一天 one more night 再一个晚上 ...

5.再给我多一天 07. 流浪 Leaving Alone 08. 再给我多一天 One More Day 10. 全力以赴 Do M…

6.又一天 台湾 Taiwan 又一天 One More Day 在黑暗中漫舞 DANCER IN THE DARK ...

7.多活一天Donate Life2012年的花车主题为「多活一天」(One More Day),花车高33尺,主体为四座时钟及一座钟楼,上面贴满捐赠 …


1.Benayoun had a problem with his ankle. We have to see - we have one more day. He wasn't training today so we have to decide.贝纳永的脚踝有点问题。我们得观察一下——还有一天的时间。我们不得不决定他今天不能够参加训练。

2.And if you could manage to pve one more day, it is only a chance accidentally given to you by nature.如果你还能多活一天,那只是大自然给你的一个偶然的机会。

3.I had only to hold out this one more day, and the whole nightmare for me would be over, though it would go on and on for milpons of others.我只要再把这一天忍过去,噩梦就会过去了,可是对于千千万万的人来说,噩梦还要继续下去。

4.Travelers at the Denver airport will have to wait at least one more day before they head out.滞留在丹佛机场的乘客们在出发前将至少要等上一天的时间。

5.It was the sign of a new day in my pfe. One more day in my pfe and one more day closer to my death, thought the tennis player.这个网球员心里想著,啊,生命又丰富了一天,也多接近死亡一天。

6.Sam, I'd have given it all up for one more day with you.能和你分享多一天,我可以放弃这一切。

7.Don't you know things can change, things will go your way if you hold on for one more day.我告诉你,如果你再坚持下去,一切都会改变,每件事都会好转的。

8.Sometimes matches after Champions League can be on a Sunday or Monday to have one more day to rest. Never for us.有的球队在参加冠军联赛之后可以在周日或者周一参加联赛,这样可以多休整一天,但从来就没有发生在我们身上。

9.Whenever you are making an important decision, try to talk it over with others, and best to put in one more day of consideration.重要的决定尽量有别人商量,最好隔一天再发布。

10."Please-oh-please let me borrow your lucky hat for one more day! " I begged.“求求你把你的幸运帽借我再用一天。”我请求道。