




1.书生旗舰店 a8856022 江月美 shusheng 吴水胜 chiaching212 吴佳瑾 ...

3.书生之家 ... ) The Book of Fanshengzhi 《泛胜之书》 ) shusheng 书生之家 ...


1.From university students Shusheng Qi to the most grass-roots level in rural areas, many college students do not adapt.从书生气的大学生到最基层的农村,很多大学生并不适应。

2.You're doing the right thing, Shusheng, so I won't stop you. Go with an easy mind. I'll look after your wife and boy for you, don't worry.水生,你干的是光荣事情,我不拦你,你放心走吧,大人孩子我给你照顾,什么也不要惦记。

3.We are wilpng to remember each bright smipng faces and those flowery sun everywhere, in the early morning Shusheng Lang.我们愿意记住每一张灿烂如花的笑脸和那些阳光遍地、书声朗朗的清晨。

4.So studying him is very important for education. Wei Shusheng only have the junior diploma. His teaching method and theory is not profound.魏书生只有初中文凭,他的理论并不高深,说白了就是发动学生自主学习,教给学生自学的方法,有着高效的班级管理方法。

5.lost Won't forget who let the world with love and ShuSheng apt, Who is not forgotten in the palace of knowledge construction hard.不会遗忘是谁让世界有爱和书声琅琅;不会遗忘是谁用辛勤构建知识的殿堂。

6.On Encouragement Education and Wei Shusheng's Educational Management浅谈激励教育与魏书生教育管理实践

7.About Qian Menglong's and Wei shusheng's Chinese teaching arts浅论钱梦龙、魏书生的语文教学艺术