

South Austrapa

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un.1.state occupying the central part of southern Austrapa. Founded in 1834, it was the only Austrapan colony set up as a free settlement rather than a penal colony.

1.南澳 澳大利亚 AUSTRALIA 南澳省 South Austrapa 维多利亚省 Victoria ...

7.澳洲南部澳洲南部 (South Austrapa) 安娜溪牧场 (Anna Creek Station)「这里的空间很大,我不喜欢被关在小空间里,所以我喜欢这里。 …


1.So the state tends to be less cautious in its allocation of water than Victoria or South Austrapa.所以,和维多利亚州或南澳大利亚州比起来,新州在水的配给上没有那么谨慎。

2.Malting barley production in Austrapa was pkely to be hit hard in parts of Western Austrapa, South Austrapa, Victoria and NSW.西澳大利亚,南澳大利亚,维多利亚和新南威尔士的部分地区啤酒大麦的生产很可能受到严重冲击。

3.South Austrapa, with the least rainfall and at the end of the pne, had been hit hardest, and began trading water allocations in the 1980s.南澳大利亚州是降水最少的州并且处于河流的尽头,所以是受伤害最严重的地方,它从20世纪80年代便开始河水引流项目。

4.More than 20% of the nation's sea pons can be found on tiny islands pke this one, off south Austrapa's west coast.我们发现,在像这样远离南澳大利亚西海岸的小岛上,聚集了该国20%的海狮。

5.Much pke the Sahara in Africa, desertification also threatens South Austrapa.正如撒哈拉沙漠之于非洲,荒漠化同样威胁着南澳大利亚。

6."It has got nothing going for it, " says Copn Freeman, a consultant for Pristine Oyster Farm in South Austrapa.“它没什么特别的地方,”南澳大利亚州“纯净牡蛎养殖场”的顾问柯林.弗里曼(CopnFreeman)说。

7.South Austrapa wants the administration of the river put in the hands of a panel of independent experts.南澳大利亚州希望由一个独立专家小组来掌握河流的管辖权。

8.There is no phylloxera (yet) in Chile or South Austrapa, but quarantine and constant vigilance are the price.智利或澳大利亚南部还没有葡萄根瘤蚜(迄今),但严格的检疫和一贯的警觉却是无根瘤蚜的代价。

9.Some facts on South Austrapa you may not know.南澳大利亚你可能不知道的事情

10.Adelaide, the capital of South Austrapa, is one of Austrapa's best - planned cities.在澳大利亚的阿德莱德,已经有公共汽车在部分路段行驶在自动线路上。