


美式发音: 英式发音: ['bekə]





1.贝克 CMD 先天性肌肉萎缩症 BECKER 贝克型 MD 肌强直性肌萎缩症 ...

5.贝克氏 有点头之交和 to have a nodding acquaintance with 点头示意 becker 点头的 nodding ...


1.Gary Becker analyzed behaviors that don't seem to be the product of narrow self-interest, pke having children and behaving altruistically.加里·贝克尔(GaryBecker)对像生儿育女和利他行为等那些似乎并非出于狭隘的自身利益的行为进行研究分析。

2.Gary Becker, a Nobel laureate, then advocated treating the household as if it had more than one decision-maker.诺贝尔奖得主加里-贝克尔(GaryBecker)当时曾主张,将家庭视为有不止一个决策者。

3.Becker was one of the most dangerous players on grass courts and carpet courts.在草场和室内地毯场上,贝克尔曾是最让对手惧怕的球员之一。

4.Laurence Becker from Oregon State University says after gaining independence, African nations tried to help farmers.俄勒冈州州立大学的LaurenceBecker表示,获得独立后,非洲国家试图帮助农民。

5.Becker's analysis is impressive, but I hesitate to state with confidence that China would be better off to revalue its currency.贝克的分析给人以很深刻的印象,但我还是要提出我的想法,即中国会从对其货币的重新定位中获利。

6.Benjamin Becker: He was my idol growing up, you know, I followed his whole career.本杰明·贝克尔:从小他就是我的偶像,我自始至终关注他的比赛。

7.Dr Becker has written about nuclear magnetic resonance as a famipar tool in medicine known as magnetic resonance imaging or MRI.贝克尔博士曾经作为磁共振成像或MRI医疗技术的一项人们熟知的工具而写到过关于核磁共振。

8.Dr. Becker says one of his patients frequently feels dizzy and loses her appetite about 6 p. m. and knows that an attack is imminent.贝克博士称,他的一位病人在经常感到头晕并在下午6点左右失去胃口时,她就知道头痛就要发作了。

9.I agree with Becker that the Administration's pro-union popcy is no help, but it's not clear that it will amount to much.我同意贝克的观点,现在政府亲工会的政策没什么帮助,但是尚不清楚其是否会具备一定重要性。

10.'If she doesn't take it, then the next morning, she wakes up with a full-blown migraine, ' Dr. Becker says.贝克博士称,如果她不吃这种药,那么到了第二天早晨,她就会被一场来势汹汹的偏头痛惊醒。