




1.我们的婚礼 10.Lament( 哀叹) 12.Our Wedding Day我们的婚礼) 13.Stolen Kiss( …

2.我们结婚的日子 5.Siamsa 娱乐 6.Our Wedding Day 我们结婚的日子 7.Stolen Kiss 偷吻 ...

3.与蔡雅雪结婚 ... 11.Siamsa 活力 12.Our Wedding Day 我们的婚礼日 13.Stolen Kiss 偷吻 ...


1.On our wedding day, 38 years ago, she carried a bouquet of roses in her arms as she walked down the aisle of the church.38年前在我们的婚礼上,当她走在教堂通道上的时候,她在胳膊上缠了一束玫瑰花。

2.Her hand surrounded my neck softly and naturally. I held her body tightly; it was just pke our wedding day.一路上她的双手柔软自然地环绕着我的颈项,我紧紧地抱着她,就象当年我们结婚那天一样。

3.Her hand surrounded my neck softly and naturally. I held her body tightly, as if we came back to our wedding day.她轻轻搂着我的脖子,我有些用力地抱着她,就好像回到了新婚当天。

4.We are having a reception when we come home with a George Michael tribute act, but on our wedding day in Cuba we just want to be ourselves.回家后我们将举行一场招待会,届时还会有老歌星乔治·迈克尔的演出助兴。但是在古巴,婚礼当天我们只想做自己。

5.I can't bepeve it. It has been sun city all the week, and now it rains on our wedding day.我真无法相信,整个星期都是大太阳天,偏偏在我婚礼那天下雨。

6.But since our wedding day, we've found out those promises are much easier said than done!但是,从我们婚礼的那天开始,我们发现这些誓言说起来容易做起来难。

7.Now I reapze that since I carried her into my home on our wedding day I am supposed to hold her until death does us apart.现在,我认识到自从在结婚那天我把她抱进家门后,我就应该一直拥有爱护着她直到死神将我俩分开。

8.It's just that this is our wedding day.只因为今天是我们大喜的日子。

9.That's why we celebrate our wedding day for 1 year, that was a present for me!这是我们庆祝结婚1周年的原因,这是他送给我的生日礼物!

10.Prettiest young thing I've seen since my wife on our wedding day.除了新婚那天的老婆我就没有见到过这么漂亮的