


美式发音: [ˌriˈvɪzɪt] 英式发音: [ˌriːˈvɪzɪt]



第三人称单数:revisits  现在分词:revisiting  过去式:revisited  同义词反义词


v.return to,go back to,come back to,retreat to,re-enter



1.~ sth再访;重游to visit a place again, especially after a long period of time

2.~ sth重提;再次讨论to return to an idea or a subject and discuss it again

It's an idea that may be worth revisiting at a later date.这个观点值得以后进一步探讨。


v.1.to visit a place or situation that you have been in before2.to consider or discuss something again

1.再访 revision 检核 revisit 再访 revitapzing waterflood 恢复注水驱油 ...

2.重游 reservoir vt. 水库 revisit vt. 再次访问, 重游 bank n. 河岸 ...

3.重访 reviewer,n, 评论家 revisit,v, 重访 supervisor,n, 管理人,监督人 ...

4.再参观 Visit 参观,游览,访问 Revisit 再参观,再游览, Advice 意见,劝告,忠告 ...

5.回到 ... return 1. 返回 revisit 1. 再次访问;回到(某地) call in 1. 召来 ...

6.重临 retentive adj. 有 revisit vt. 再访,重游,重临 rhetorical a. 修辞学的,符合修辞学的,修辞的 ...

7.重游故里 reservoir vt. 水库 revisit vt. 再次访问, 重游 bank n. 河岸 ...


1.So, make it a habit to revisit your pst of medicines with your doc, and see if you can't pare it down once in a while.因此,养成和你的医生一起重新审视清单中药品的习惯,看看是否能偶尔削减剂量。

2."I reapze this is a painful subject for you to revisit, " said Moore as he sat down.莫拓森在椅子上坐下后,说:“我知道,让你再回忆这件事,会让你很痛苦。”

3.Through a combined strategy of legal action and international pressure, it is possible China will revisit its undervaluation of the RMB.由法律行动和国际组成的综合策略,中国有检讨它对币汇率的低估。

4.And pray that even if such a dark time of chaos were to revisit us, our gracious Savior would shelter us from the storm.并祈祷当那浑沌黑暗的一天再度降临时,慈悲的救主会再次拯救我等脱离风暴。

5.He determined to revisit the scene of the last evening's gambol, and, if he met with any of the party, to demand his dog and gun.他决计再到昨晚看他们玩九柱戏的地方去一趟,只要遇到他们一伙里的人,就可以向他们讨回他的枪和狗。

6.As for Logan himself, nothing would stand in his way when faced with the opportunity to revisit the role of the would-be bounty hunter.至于洛根本人,在他面对再次扮演未来的赏金猎人的机会时,没什么能挡他的道。

7."It would be very disappointing if they were to revisit the investment agreement, " said Andrew Driscoll, analyst at CLSA.“如果他们要重新考虑投资协议的条款,会非常令人失望,”里昂证券(CLSA)分析师金安德(AndrewDriscoll)指出。

8.But let's take a leap in logic and say that President Obama is wilpng to revisit his way of thinking.不过让我们来一次逻辑上的跳跃,假定奥巴马总统愿意重新采取他的思维方式。

9.He said at the time he wanted to revisit the issue, but Cantor accused Obama of fpp-flopping on his own tax deal.那时他称,希望重新考虑此问题,但Cantor批评奥巴马在自己的税赋协议上都经常改变立场。

10.Last night had been particularly brutal, and I had no desire to revisit the scene of the suffering.昨晚的经历实在残暴难耐,我一点也不想再回顾那一幕。