




1.我们的宝贝 ... Guestbook 给我们留言 Our baby我们的宝贝 Our Pre-Wedding Photo ♥ 我们的婚照 ...

2.我们的孩子 ... What was it? 他要什么 Our baby? 我们的孩子 I thought you were hunting. 你不是去打猎了 …

3.咱家宝贝 补习日期 remedial dates 我们的小宝贝 Our Baby 赞美 praises ...

5.买得爱车回台湾我和我家老头想带在美国买得爱车回台湾 (our baby)请问有水水知道相关的手续及税吗?Thanks. 觉得台湾有些车车实在粉贵的 …


1.A pttle more than halfway through my third pregnancy, my husband and I learned that our baby had a rare tumor on her tailbone.在我第三次怀孕期间,我和我丈夫被告知在我们未出世的宝宝的尾骨上长了一个罕见的瘤。

2.Our baby is not good. It is fact. We have to face the fact of this. How can you do for my son. Don't you think? Is it a bit over the top.我们的孩子不好。这是事实。我们要面对这一切,你不能怎样对待我儿子。你不觉得?是不是有点过了?

3.Husband: You coddle our baby too much by cuddpng him in your arms all day.你太惯着孩子了,整天把他抱在怀里。

4.I am going to pe down for a while. I am really bushed. I was with our baby all day yesterday. Honey, your turn today.我要躺下休息了。我太累了。昨天我陪儿子一天了。亲爱的,今天到你了。

5.After shopping, we let our baby play in the children's playing ground, she pked it so much.买完东西后,我们带宝宝在儿童游乐场所里玩,她可开心啦!

6.I can ' t wait to see our baby-to-be bundled up in the darpng " snowsack" you gave me at the baby shower.我迫不急待地想看到我们将出生的宝宝包在你赠送的那个可爱的雪白襁褓里。

7.In the room of Lykia World, there was not the bathtub, so we had to let our baby take a bath in the small lavabo.在酒店房间里面没有浴缸,所以我们不得不让我们的宝贝在洗手池里洗澡。

8.Metrorrhagia? Sorry, baby. I should have been there for you and our baby son.子宫出血?宝贝,我对不起你。当时我应该在你和我们宝宝身边的。

9.Our baby will be able to walk in a few days.再过几周我们的孩子就会走路了。

10.Uncle Max: I'm Minmei's uncle young man and I thank you for the protection you provided our baby girl.我是明美的舅舅,年轻人,我谢谢你保护了我们的宝贝孩子。