

outer solar system

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1.Comet McNaught has now returned to the outer Solar System and is now only visible with a large telescope.它目前已经离开了太阳系,只有大型的天文望远镜才能一睹它的真容。

2.WISE needs to scan the sky twice in order to generate the time-lapsed images astronomers use to detect objects in the outer solar system.广角红外线探测望远镜需要扫描天域2遍以便生成时间释放图像,天文学家将用这些图像侦测外太阳系的天体。

3.The changes divide astronomers, but supporters say resent discoveries of large objects in the outer solar system require them.变化分开天文学家。支持者表示不满,但发现太阳系外的大型物体的需要它们。

4.The new trans-Neptunian objects, as they're called, are just the latest to revise our view of the outer solar system.作为最新的发现,这些海王星外最新发现的星体将使我们重新审视太阳系的外围部分。

5.All these spacecraft have used spng-shot style gravity assist maneuvers to increase their speeds through the outer solar system.这些航天器全都使用了射弹弓式的引力辅助方法,从而在外太阳系中提高速度。

6.Comets usually originate in the outer solar system and are less common in Earth's neighborhood than asteroids.通常彗星起源于太阳系外围,在地球附近不如小行星更常见。

7.There's probably no intelpgent pfe in the outer solar system. But it couldn't hurt to check.也许在外太阳系根本没有智慧生命的存在。不过探索一下总归无妨。

8.Fierce solar heating completely destroyed the icy visitor from the outer solar system.猛烈的太阳完全摧毁了这个来自太阳系外沿的冰制访客。

9.First, when you look at the other planets, especially the planets are in outer solar system where Pluto orbits.首先,当你看其他行星特别是外太阳系也就是冥王星的轨道时,你会发现冥王星是独特的,它很奇怪。

10.Often icy moons in the outer solar system boast large impact craters.通常太阳系外围冰冷的卫星上有比较大的碰撞坑。