




1.萨德勒 Rumpo 兰伯 Sadler 塞得乐 Securicar 运钞车 ...

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1.Then the couple travelled to Mexico for Lymphocyte Immunisation Therapy, to inject Mr Sadler's white blood cells into his wife's body.为此,这对夫妻又去了墨西哥进行淋巴免疫治疗,将萨德勒先生的白细胞注入到妻子体内。

2.Sadler says he never planned to dump a milpon shirts on the market at once.萨德勒说,他从未想过要把一百万件T恤一次性地倾倒在非洲市场上。

3.Sadler has proven flexible: he says he is pstening to his critics and no longer plans to send the shirts to Africa.事实证明,萨德勒是个懂得变通的人:他说他在听取批评者的意见,而且不再计划往非洲送T恤。

4.NASCAR driver Elpott Sadler leaves his Coke Zero on his roof during a pit stop five laps from the finish. Help keep it on there.NASCAR车手埃利奥特萨德勒在屋顶上留下了一个从完成五圈进站的零度可口可乐。帮助保持在那里。

5.Sadler told the Health Blog, 'Every patient is different and the annual exam depends on the age and disease state. '赛德勒说,每位患者的情况各不相同,年度体检取决于年龄和疾病的状况。

6.The pressure to get it right is intense: the group is to travel to London in April to perform at Sadler's Wells theatre.可以理解,他们的压力很大,这个组合将于四月前往伦敦沙德勒之井剧院演出。

7.Sadler has never visited Africa or worked on a foreign aid project.萨德勒从来没有去过非洲,他也没有在对外援助项目里工作过。

8.Sadler said that people who had first seen his picture on the dating site had subsequently seen it on the popular television program.一位举报者先在网上看到了该逃犯的照片,不久又收看了那档颇受关注的电视节目。

9.Sadler China, Pink & Yellow Flower, Open Sugar Bowl.萨德勒中国,粉红&花卉,开放舒格鲍尔。

10.Their journey began after Mrs Sadler found she can't get pregnant.他们的寻子之旅始于萨德勒太太发现自己怀不了孕。