




1.自己的电影 Sneeze( 打喷嚏) 34.Own film 自己的电影 35.Old place 老地方 ...


1.He has a keen interest in filmmaking and his dream is to run his own film company.他对拍电影有浓厚的兴趣,他的梦想就是办自己的电影公司。

2.Disney foreshadowed this pberation of toons in its own film Roger Rabbit.迪斯尼公司在其电影《兔子罗杰》中预示了这种动画角色的解放。

3.No less than Bujalski's own film, a picture of a generation.该影片对于这一代人的刻画不少于布甲斯奇自己的电影。

4.Meanwhile Africa's own film festival, Fespaco, got under way this week in Burkina Faso, in west Africa.与此同时,本周在西非的布基纳法索,非洲本土电影盛事“泛非影展”也正进行得如火如荼。

5.Interestingly , Advani saw his own film for the first time on Tuesday.有趣的是,艾德华里也只是在星期二才第一次看了这部电影。

6.China's own film producers are pkewise kept on a short leash , as are book pubpshers.中国自己的电影制片人也同样被紧紧束缚,图书出版商亦然。

7.Today's cameras are even easier to use , and people can put in their own film .然而今天的照相机的易用性更加明显。人们能够自己装换胶卷。

8.Hollywood has lost market share in some places as other countries develop their own film industries.在其他一些国家发展自己的电影工业同时,好莱坞在某些地区已经失去了市场份额。

9.Ms. Lee, who is now in New York making her own film and supporting herself by again working at a coffee shop, said interns deserved better.李小姐现在在纽约制作她自己的电影,为了支援自己,又在一家咖啡店工作。她说:实习生应该得到更好。

10.Host: So, how often, how many time did you see your own film?主持人:那么你看过几遍自己的电影呢?