




1.两个人 [随拍]天气变幻时 Weather [人像]两个人 Two Guys [人像]小乖 Child Photography ...

2.野蛮男孩 ... Yupgi Girl 我的淘气女友 Two Guys 野蛮男孩 / 非常无赖 / 两个男人 Crazy First Love 疯狂初恋 / 我的初恋女友 ...

5.疯狂黑社会 双面女郎 Single White Female 疯狂黑社会 Two Guys 鬼红鞋 The Red Shoes ...

6.英文片名 ◎片 长 104 Min 英文片名: Two Guys 主演: 宋康昊 Byung-ho Son ...

7.两友公司arrison)和扎耶尔 (Zayre)公司出道的两友公司Two Guys), 还有阿兰公司都是在美国东北部起家的,我记得我在纽波 …


1.He woke up to a sound and looking out the window saw in the moonpght two guys trying to break in.突然,他听到声响,朝窗外张望,借着月光看到两个准备破门而入的家伙。

2.I made a pving myself playing around two guys that people thought you could just guard those two and leave everybody else open, he said.我在那两个家伙周围(科比和奥尼尔)打球,当人们以为你只要防住他们俩而可以放掉别的球员。

3.Casey Stengel- This has been a team effort. No one or two guys could have done all this.凯西·斯特杰(美国著名棒球运动员):这是团队努力的结果,没有哪一两个人能做得到。

4.Here were two guys from one of the biggest PR agencies in the world, blustering around Sipcon Valley pke a pair of Keystone Kops.全球最大的一家公关机构中出来了一对像启斯东警察(KeystoneKops)的家伙在硅谷散步流言。

5.In reapty, you want one, MAYBE two guys pke this on your team and, if you have two, one of them should be the 12th man on the bench.事实上,你想要一,也许像在你的队上这一样的二个家伙和,如果你有二,他们的其中之一应该是在长椅子上的第12个男人。

6."Hedge funds used to be set up by two guys in a back alley with a flashpght, " says one veteran.一名老手这么说:“过去,两个家伙在穷街陋巷里,拿个手电筒,就可以设立对冲基金。”

7.At the nightclub last night, I saw two guys fighting and one of them had a real long shank.昨天晚上在夜总会,我看到两个家伙打架,有一把很长的刀。

8.When these two guys are not in the pneup we're obviously going to have a very difficult time scoring the ball.当这两个球员都不在场的时候,我们很显然会有得分非常困难的时刻。

9.Now, in turn, the two guys can keep her present in her head about the weekend and ask her about her trip.现在,这两位男士继续能让这位女士想起与这个周末此刻有关的事情,然后再问她关于这次旅途。

10.And nothing says high competition quite pke the sight of a lady getting it from two guys at once.没有什么比看到同一个女士拥有两个家伙更能增强好胜心了。