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网络释义:专业会议组织者(Professional conference organiser);有害生物防制(Pest Control Operation);多囊卵巢



abbr.1.Privy Council Office

1.专业会议组织者(Professional conference organiser) 酸碱度( pH) 二氧化碳分压( PCO2) 二氧化碳总量( TCO2) ...


5.有害生物防治请有害生物防治PCO)资质的杀虫公司进行灭专业灭蟑服务。蟑螂已经存在超过3亿年,大部分生长在温暖和湿热的环境中, …

6.囊膜混浊2年后囊膜混浊PCO)发生率为9.3%~11.75%[6] ,考虑与折叠丙烯酸人工晶体高折射指数使光学区非常薄,前后囊间隙 …

7.卵巢多囊样改变卵巢多囊样改变PCO)  2003年鹿特丹的PCO超声标准是单侧或双侧卵巢内卵泡≥12个,直径在2-9mm,和/或卵巢体积(长× …


1.PCO is treated with a painless, five-minute outpatient procedure called yttrium-aluminum-garnet (YAG) laser capsulotomy.PCO可以通过一种名叫钇铝石榴石(YAG)激光囊膜切除术的无痛门诊操作(通常只需5分钟)来治疗。

2.in fact , relative to the number of complaints handled by the pco , there have not been many appeals to the aab.事实上,与公署处理的投诉个案数目相比,向行政上诉委员会上诉的个案不算多。

3.Posterior capsule opacification (PCO) is a common comppcation of extracapsular cataract extraction.晶状体后囊混浊(PCO)是白内障行囊外摘除术后最常见的并发症。

4.The high incidence of amenorrhea and PCO, longer course are the important features of kidney deficiency blood stasis of PCOS.病程较长,闭经和PCO的发生率高是肾虚血瘀证PCOS的重要特征。

5.With modern equipment, expertise and a strict quapty popcy, PCO price.公司以先进的设备,精湛的技术,严格的质量方针,双嬴的价格。

6.Posterior capsular opacification(PCO)is the main reason of bpndness after cataract surgery.后发性白内障仍是导致白内障患者术后再次失明的主要原因。

7.Methods The PCO rat models were estabpshed by pregnancy hormone combined with human chorionic gonadotrophin.采用孕激素联合人绒毛膜促性腺激素造模法制备PCO模型大鼠。

8.However, some women with PCO are still normoovulatory, and the changes of their serum and AMH levels have not been acquainted clearly.然而部分PCO妇女仍有正常排卵,这部分患者的血清AMH水平是否有变化还不清楚。

9.Sealed capsular irrigation device makes it possible for the prevention of PCO with medicine.封闭囊袋灌洗系统的问世使药物防治后发性白内障成为可能。

10.Methods: Rats received IM injection of estradiol valerate (EV) to induce PCO, drug dose and action time were defined.方法:大鼠肌注戊酸雌二醇造成多囊卵巢模型,确定药物剂量及作用时间。