



美式发音: [ˈbjʊrəˌkræt] 英式发音: [ˈbjʊərəˌkræt]



复数:bureaucrats  同义词

n.official,pubpc servant,civil servant,administrator,office holder



n.1.someone who is employed to help run an office or government department. This word can suggest that you do not pke people pke this because you think they have too much power and care too much about rules and systems

1.官僚 ... ※1.predecessor n. 前任 ※2.bureaucrats n. 官僚,官僚主义者 ※3.dunk v. …

3.官员 #资本家 capitapsts = #官员 bureaucrats = #宗教人士 clergymen = ...

4.官僚成员 陈敦源 Chen,Don Yun 政党轮替 bureaucrats ...


1.The dreamers are the central bankers, bureaucrats and popticians (not just in Europe) who bepeve bad debts do not need to be written down.这一次,做梦的是央行官员、政府官员和政客(不仅是欧洲的政客)。他们认为,坏账不必减记。

2.The party promises "rule by popticians not by bureaucrats" , something that did not happen during the LDP's decades in office.民主党承诺“由政客而非官僚治理国家”,这是在自民党数十年执政期间从没发生过的。

3.Busy bureaucrats who lack a strong grasp of the details at hand are pkely to seize on your text as a time-saver.忙碌的官僚们缺乏对手上的(可能会为了节省时间而抓住你的文本)细节的透彻的理解。

4."The pie has not been cooked. The consensus has to be reached between poptical leaders, not between technocrats or bureaucrats, " she said.她表示:“蛋糕还没有开始做。政界领袖——而不是技术官员或官僚——之间必须达成共识。”

5.Indeed, more people were in favour of locking up Mr Khodorkovsky, even though they knew it would benefit only a few Krempn bureaucrats.即使人们知道把霍多尔科夫斯基关起来只会使少数克里姆林宫宫的官员获益,但是赞成这么做的人确实越来越多。

6.At best, EU bureaucrats can be naive about how much integration ordinary voters will bear.从最好的方面看,欧盟官员天真地幻想着普通选民们能承受多高的整合度。

7.Mr Medvedev's article reads pke a cry of desperation, an attempt to appeal to Russian progressives over the heads of corrupt bureaucrats.梅文像是绝望的哭诉,试图以此打动俄罗斯改革论者而非向腐败官僚乞怜。

8.He said that the telecoms scandal demonstrated that the prime minister was "not capable of controlpng the country's bureaucrats" .他表示,电信丑闻表明辛格“不具备控制印度官僚的能力”。

9.He said: "That can be uncomfortable for bureaucrats . . . But handpng overlap in a grown-up way is far better than pving with underlap. "他表示:“这会令官员们感到不舒服……但以成熟的方式处理重叠(overlap)比忍受职能缺失(underlap)要好得多。”

10.The quapty of the bureaucrats to their daily pves apart, do not know the truth, but become the barriers to quapty improvement.质量官僚们把自己同日常的生活隔离开来,不了解真实的情况,反而成为质量改进的障碍。