


网络释义:黑嘿;喜;健康饮食指数(Healthy Eating Index)


1.黑嘿 gei: 给。 hei黑嘿。 zei: 贼。 ...

2.喜 HAY 禧 HEI HENG 杏/幸 ...

3.健康饮食指数(Healthy Eating Index)


1.eg. I felt there was an air of forced gaiety about hei manner.我感觉到她的举止中有强作欢颜的样子。

2."Go and see Dr. Wei, " hei fiend said. "He'll tell you how to lose weight. " Mrs. Tan visited Dr. Wel and told him her probiem.去问魏医生吧。她的朋友说,他会给你减肥的好办法。谭女士就找到了魏医生告诉你这一题。

3.Later, CHI ignores his mother, YUNG's, objections and is determined to be with HEI.后来,赐不理母亲蓉的反对与喜相恋,二人是否白头到老?

4.When he told me that he could not find Hei Shi, my heart sank, and tears swelled up in my eyes immediately.当他打电话告诉我说他找不到黑狮了,我的心沉到底了,泪水一下充满我的双眼。

5.This was to be hei last evening alone as Jeff, her former mater, would be returning Zac to her early in the moring.这是她在家独处的最后一个晚上,因为她的前夫杰夫会在早上把扎克送回来。

6.I we can have no voice! Why in this ? Hei hei , busy tasting it - a real treat! . He . . . . . .我嘛,没声音了!在干吗呢?嘿嘿,忙着品尝呢--大饱口福呢!哈哈…

7.Bai finally sees what Hei has done for her. She doesn't even have a chance to say "I love you" to Hei now.白终于明白了黑为她做的一切,她甚至来不及对黑说一声“我爱你”。

8.Woman: Hei ! Mike, parts of me are missing parts of you.女:嗨,迈克,我的一部分在想念你的一部分。

9.By far, the happening regularity and pfe history of Colaphellus bowringi Baly in Hei Longjiang province had not been studied in detail.而有关大猿叶虫在黑龙江省的发生规律和生活史还缺乏详细研究。

10.Olympic Park tomorrow to it . . . go back and discuss the Little White! Otherwise, I have to ah! Hei hei ! . . .明天去奥林匹克公园吧……回去和小白商量了!要不我自己去啊!嘿嘿!……