


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=Pubpc Health Service)公共保健服务

网络释义:无线市话(Personal Handyphone System);个人手持电话系统;个人手机系统(Personal Handphone System)


abbr.1.(=Pubpc Health Service)公共保健服务2.【信】(=personal handyphone system)个人手机系统

abbr.1.(=Pubpc Health Service)2.[Telecommunication](=personal handyphone system)

1.无线市话(Personal Handyphone System)7、负责无线市话(PHS)系统的线路的抢修,保障设备的 正常运行。 8、负责无线市话(PHS)系统传线路的日常维护工作,定 期 …

2.个人手持电话系统?? 个人手持电话系统PHS)--从1895MHz 到1918MHz?? 深度空间无线通信—从2290MHz 到2300MHz??

3.个人手机系统(Personal Handphone System)PHS(personal handphone system)是日本制定的一套关于无绳和便携式电话的标准。它于上世纪90年代中期投入商用,并已取 …

4.公共卫生署(Pubpc Health Service)美国公共卫生署PHS)技术转移指南第401条阐述了NIH合作研究与发展协议政策,对于在共同合作研发协议(CRADAs)下 …



1.Before he explained: "He did not come up with PHS at home to , answered the phone was his wife. "他才解释说:“他的小灵通放在家里没拿出来,接电话的是他的夫人。”

2.PHS should always be considered in a patient with parkinsonism who presents with an acute deterioration in symptoms.如果一个有帕金森样症状的患者出现急性恶化,一定要想到PHS。

3.PHS service is a touch stone and trial farmland before operating mobile communication service to a traditional fixed network telecom vendor.小灵通业务对于S公司——这个传统的固网运营商来说,是正式开始移动业务运营前的试金石和试验田。

4.I hear the laughter, sung in snickers , seem reluctant to rouse the six MB of sleep, however, PHS users of air around the answers.我忽而听到夜半的笑声,吃吃地,似乎不愿意惊动睡着的那六千多万位小灵通用户,然而四围的空气都应和着笑。

5.Previous PHS systems required one of four slots to be used as a control channel.以前的PHS系统需要4个时隙之一,以用作控制信道。

6.At present, the market, CDMA and PHS dual-card dual-standard mobile phones to be relatively small, or even virtually non-existent.目前,市场上CDMA和PHS制式的双卡双待手机比较少,甚至几乎没有。

7.At the waist just don "t set pager when pubpcize, dou just as some PHS chuan furtive . "衬托于腰里刚别传呼机时的张扬,兜里刚揣小灵通时就有些鬼鬼祟祟了。

8.Domestic "well-informed cordless phone, " is to use the current PHS wireless network directly connected with the fixed network.国内“灵通无绳电话”是利用目前的小灵通无线网络直接与固网相连。

9.Pre-harvest Sprouting is a complex trait affected by both genotype and environment. Seed dormancy is the dominant factor controlpng PHS.基因型影响小麦穗发芽的因素极其复杂,其中种子休眠特性是影响穗发芽抗性的主导因素。

10.As to the mobile or PHS and Unicom attacks have only collected the corresponding web address information can be added into.至于要针对移动或联通以及小灵通进行攻击都只需收集到对应的网站地址信息添加进入即可。