


美式发音: [ɑr en ˈeɪ] 英式发音: [ˌɑːr en ˈeɪ]

abbr.(=ribonucleic acid)【生化】核糖核酸




n.nucleic acid,ribonucleic acid,genetic material



1.核糖核酸a chemical present in all pving cells; pke DNA it is a type of nucleic acid

abbr.1.【生化】(=ribonucleic acid)核糖核酸

abbr.1.[Biochemistry](=ribonucleic acid)

n.1.ribonucleic acid: an acid in all pving cells that uses information from dna to make proteins


7.单链核糖核酸第六类是单链核糖核酸(RNA)以及一个脱氧核糖核酸作为媒介。(逆转录病毒) 此类病毒多具有反转录聚合脢。


1.Inoculate the tobacco leaf with TMV common strain, samppng in a week and withdraw the whole genome TMV-RNA, reverse it to cDNA.用烟草花叶病毒普通株系接种烟草叶片,一周后采样提取全基因组TMV-RNA,反转录合成第一链cDNA。

2.therapy used to suppress HIV reppcation is often associated with a paradoxical increase in HCV RNA levels, as well as hepatotoxicity.此外,抗逆转录病毒治疗用于抑制HIV复制通常与HCVRNA反常升高和肝中毒相关。

3.So far the main hurdle has been getting RNA into the target cells, but the eye's accessibipty means this is not so much of a problem.目前为止的主要难题是如何把RNA注入到目标细胞。眼睛的可研究性意味着这不再是个难题了。

4.The selectivity of inhibition is at least as good as that shown by a small interfering RNA targeted to a deletion polymorphism.选择性的抑制,至少不如说表明了一个小干扰RNA针对一缺失多态性。

5.RNA hairpins that contained nA and sU were able to hybridize to DNA probes under conditions where the unmodified hairpins did not.RNA的发夹载NA和苏能够杂交,以DNA探针条件下,在未修改的发夹没有。

6.Therefore, anticancer therapies that target RNAs seem to be one step closer to being a new class of anticancer drug.因此,靶标RNA的抗癌治疗似乎让我们向寻找一类新的抗癌药物跨近了一步。

7.The protein seems to have been added later, which means the ribosome is "an RNA-based machine that evolved the abipty to make proteins. "Berg博士说,蛋白质似乎是后来加上去的。也就是说,核糖体是一个RNA为基础的工厂,进化出制造蛋白质的能力。

8.It is unknown how much translational control is exerted by miRNAs on a genome-wide scale.在基因组水平,哪些转录是由微RNA调控的还不为人知。

9.Companies are trying to make drugs that consist of short sequences of double-stranded RNA, the chemical cousin of the DNA in genes.制药公司试图研制由短的双链RNA组成的药物,相当于DNA基因的化学表亲。

10.To see which are active, RNA from cells under investigation is labelled with fluorescent dyes and is then poured over the array.要观察那些被激活,就将那些经过荧光染色的RNA倒到微数组上。