


网络释义:黄嘌呤氧化酶(xanthine oxidase);二甲酚橙(xylenol orange);嘌呤氧化蛋白


1.黄嘌呤氧化酶(xanthine oxidase)。第三步:药物渗透,并持续释放密集的磁力线,限制黄嘌呤氧化蛋白(XO)的活性,对沉积在关节处的尿酸结晶可温和析回 …

4.晶体振荡器 SP 取样点,样本点 XO 白兰地 PO 安大略省[加拿大] ...


1.You could accomppsh the above sort of job with a custom metaclass, attached to XO, but with behavior determined dynamically.应该用一个附加到XO、行为是动态决定的自定义元类来完成上述工作。

2.As you can see, the design of the XO laptop is revolutionary from its physical design to its user interface.如您所见,XO膝上型电脑的设计从物理设计到用户界面都具有开创性。

3.Cataloguing the various types of dating sites is at the heart of Dating Sites XO's mission.对于不同类型交友网站的分类是新的XO交友网的重要使命。

4.Until Advanced Network Solutions, Inc made a payment in full to XO Communications my servers where not going to be released to me.直到先进网络解决方案,公司作出了详尽的XO通信支付我的服务器在那里不会被释放我。

5.For a given value of K once a starting point Xo is specified, the evolution of the system is fully determined.对于一个给定值K的一次出发点XO笔记本电脑指定,系统的演化是完全确定。

6.Conclusion: Most individuals with chromosome karyotype 45, XO can differentiate to female, but a few can differentiate to male.结论:染色体核型为45,XO个体大部分分化为女性,但少数可能向男性分化。

7.The designers carefully considered the audience of the XO laptop, ultimately defining a key set of eleven design principles.设计者认真地考虑了XO膝上型电脑所面向的用户,最终定义了11个关键的设计原则。

8.It is known to all that XO is among the most expensive alcohols, but is as water to the man's eyes who we can deduce is very rich.众所周知XO酒是一种非常贵的酒,但是在这个男人的眼里好像就是小菜一碟,由此我们可以判断他非常有钱。

9.By raising the very possibipty of a $100 laptop, the XO presented the industry with a challenge.鉴于大大提升了100美元笔记本出现的可能性,XO为产业带来了挑战。

10.Although the XO laptop is still in active development, the operating system and Sugar interface are stable and usable.尽管XO膝上型电脑尚在紧锣密鼓的开发之中,但相应的操作系统和Sugar界面已经可用且相当稳定。