


网络释义:被动红外;聚异氰脲酸酯(polyisocyanurate);蛋白质信息资源(Protein Information Resource)


1.被动红外户外型被动红外PIR)探测器技术探讨 2007-12-22 10:49:29| 分类: 防盗报警系统 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 主动红外探测 …

2.聚异氰脲酸酯(polyisocyanurate)供应聚异氰脲酸酯(PIR)非连续块泡沫(喷特普) 40.00元 供应聚异氰脲酸酯(PIR)硬质泡沫(喷特普) 2500.00元 供应龙辰B1级板型 …

3.蛋白质信息资源(Protein Information Resource)PIRProtein Information Resource)蛋白信息数据库,由美国国家生物医学研究基金会(National Biomedical Research Foun…

4.红外传感器a) 无源红外传感器(PIR),可探测运动的人员发出的热量(红外)变化;b) 超声波传感器(ULT) ,可探测由移动人员的反射产生Doppl…

5.被动式红外线(Passive Infra-Red)内建的被动式红外线 (PIR) 感测器可进行移动侦测旋转式镜头提供多个方向的大范围监控 无线 N 网路连线 支援 Motion JPEG (…


1.And yet, as April began, the reopening of the Pir Mohammed School seemed imminent.当四月开始,皮尔.穆罕默德学校的重开似乎有望了。

2.The dimensional stabipty of PU-PIR in heating status was better than that of the ordinary PU.PU-PIR在受热状态下的尺寸稳定性优于常规聚氨酯。

3.These systems are often used with PIR sensors which can monitor movement in different areas of the home.这些系统通常使用红外传感器,可以监测家庭运动在不同的地区。

4.PIR Sensors are used to detect the presence or occupancy of an object.被动式红外传感器是用来检测对象的存在或占用。

5.After in-depth structure analysis, a passive infrared sensor ( PIR ) model was presented.通过对系统的物理结构分析提出了一种被动式红外传感器模型。

6.This method is suitable for human detection systems of intelpgent detection and identification based on PIR sensors.该检测方法适用于基于PIR传感的人体移动的智能检测和识别系统。

7.A: Well, then, would you fill out this PIR from? And also we need your signature here.哦,那么请你填写这张PIR表好吗?我们需要你在这里签名。

8.well, and would you fill this PIR form, and also we need your signature here.额,你可以填一下这张PIR表吗?我们还需要你在这里签个名。

9.This model provides some useful suggestion for the wireless sensor networks system design that is equipped with PIR sensor.该模型对配备被动式红外传感器的无线传感网络的系统设计具有指导意义。

10.Dropout rate due to adverse events was 11% in the PIR group and 0% in the placebo group.因为副作用而退出此次实验的儿童比例,治疗组为11%,安慰剂组0%。