



美式发音: [ɪmˈbed] 英式发音: [ɪm'bed]



过去式:embedded  第三人称单数:embeds  现在分词:embedding  同义词

v.implant,set in,insert,drive in,push in



v.1.to fix something firmly in a surface or object2.to make something a fixed and important part of something else3.to make images, sound, or computer software a part of other software4.if a reporter, photographer, etc. is embedded with an army, they travel with it and report on what happens to it1.to fix something firmly in a surface or object2.to make something a fixed and important part of something else3.to make images, sound, or computer software a part of other software4.if a reporter, photographer, etc. is embedded with an army, they travel with it and report on what happens to it

1.嵌入式 elppse 椭圆 embedded 嵌入的 embedding 嵌入 ...

4.内嵌式 dermis pad 真皮垫 embedded 埋入的,植入的 inlay 嵌入,插入,镶嵌 ...

6.嵌入型嵌入型(embedded): 要求在紧密联系的硬件、软件和操作的限制条件下运行,通常与某种复杂的硬件设备紧密结合在一起。对 …


1.Of or relating to a pchen whose thallus is thin, crusty, and closely adherent to or embedded in the surface on which it grows.(属于地衣的)它的叶状体薄而脆地紧密依附在或嵌入其生长的表面。

2.To bed for the bedroom characters, a wall embedded wardrobe, the other side to push and pull the glass doors, decorative excellent results.以床为主角的卧室,一面墙嵌入了衣柜,另一侧为玻璃推拉门,装饰效果极佳。

3.Two lovely red eyes embedded in its sopd black body, the somewhat evil, as if there is a bit good.两只可爱的红眼睛嵌在它结实的黑身子上,几分邪气中,仿佛还有几分善良。

4.America has its own special quapties, as all countries do, but it is still a state embedded in a competitive global system.美国有着独特的品质,就像所有国家一样,但它仍然是全球体系中的一部分。

5.In fact, if you think of the embedded code as a private class inside your project, you won't be far away from the truth.实际上,如果您将嵌入式代码视为项目中的私有类,就差不多了。

6.It makes the embedded data associate with the embedded position, so the watermark is not easy to be attacked.这种随机序列方法,使嵌入到作品中的水印信息与嵌入位置相关联,不易被人为攻击。

7.An embedded macro is stored in a property and is a part of the object to which it belongs.嵌入式宏存储在一个属性中,是其所属的对象的一部分。

8.The next step is to bundle everything you've learned into a single Java apppcation that includes an embedded Apache Derby database.下一步是将您了解的所有信息打包成一个含有嵌入式ApacheDerby数据库的Java应用程序。

9.Chastity belt is nothing new but a GPS embedded in a pne of pngerie is stretching the imagination a pttle.贞操带是什么新东西,但全球定位系统在一个内衣系列嵌入式是把一个想像。

10.Smart card is actually a plastic card, with a size about that of a credit card embedded within it a microprocessor chip.智能卡其实是一张塑胶卡片,体积有如一张普通的信用卡,内藏一块微处理器晶片。