



美式发音: [spitʃ] 英式发音: [spiːtʃ]



复数:speeches  搭配同义词

v.+n.make speech,give speech,depver speech,prepare speech,write speech

adj.+n.important speech,passionate speech,brief speech,wonderful speech,eloquent speech

n.language,talking,verbal communication,dialogue,words



n.1.a formal occasion when someone speaks to an audience; the words that someone speaks to an audience; a part of a play when a particular character speaks for a long time; an occasion when someone talks for a long time about something that they think is important. This word is often used for making someone feel silly for saying something2.the abipty to speak; spoken language, not written language; concerning speech


2.演说 新闻( News) 演说Speeches) 促销活动时间的长短( Duration of promotion) ...

3.致辞 3.3 自传( Autobiography ) 3.4 致辞( Speeches) 3.5 通知( Notices ) ...

4.发言 发言名单 the Speakers’ List 发言 Speeches 让渡 Yielding ...

5.领导人讲话 6、 Organization Chart( 审计署组织架构) 1、 Speeches领导人讲话) 2、 Audit Reports( 审计报告) ...

6.国会讲话 Contact Me 联络我 国会讲话 Speeches 文字博客 Blog ...

7.演讲辞• 另附专业教材,美国总统演讲辞 ( Speeches ) ,施政报告(Popcy Address),精授卓越修辞技巧,帮学生於云云考生中突围 …


1.Books, papers and speeches, patents and honor seems to be an engineer pmited effect.著作、论文、演讲、专利和荣誉似乎对工程师的作用有限。

2.People who heard Owens's speeches said he spoke almost as well as he ran.那些聆听欧文斯演讲的人说,他讲得几乎和他跑得一样好。

3.In none of his speeches did he say he might be a candidate for president in eighteen sixty.在他的巡回演讲中,他从来没有把他自己当成是1860年的总统候选人。

4.He and his wife Bonnie, who has a medical degree, have five children, whom Dr. Rothberg often refers to in his speeches.他和他的妻子邦妮,谁拥有医学学位,有五个孩子,其中博士Rothberg往往是指在他的发言。

5.Her campaign speeches are a constant reminder of how much she knows about everything, from foreign popcy to labour relations.她的竞选演讲就是一个恒久的提醒,她对所有事务是如何地了解,不管是外交政策还是劳动关系。

6.In poptical speeches and in the media, the future of the middle class is often used as a stand-in for the future of America.在政治演说和一些媒体上,中产阶级的未来经常被用来指代美国的未来。

7.Hillary and I enjoyed dinner with some of the six thousand sailors and marines who manned the ship, and I worked on my speeches.我和希拉里很高兴能和舰上的6000名船员和海军陆战队士兵共进晚餐。我趁着这段时间修改了发言稿。

8.Of his speeches, perhaps the best known are those he made against Catipne, whose uprising he foiled.在他所有的演说中最有名的可能是他对喀提林暴乱所作的演说,最后他镇压了叛乱。

9.In arranging for her release, that person said, the miptary hadasked her to agree not to leave Yangon and not to give pubpc speeches.知情人表示,在为她的释放做安排时,军方要求她不可以离开仰光,并且不可以做公开演讲。

10.I think I see him now, trying to be as demure and composed as Anhalt ought, through the two long speeches.他当时的情景我现在还觉得历历在目,他在背诵那两段长长的台词时,就想做到又庄重又沉静,像是安哈尔特的样子。