


美式发音: [ˌpi em ˈes] 英式发音: [ˌpiː em ˈes]


英文单词:经前症候群(Pre-Menstrual Syndrome);经前期综合征;经前综合症


PMSn.— see alsopremenstrual

1.月经前综合征,经前紧张症(又称 PMT,全写为 premenstrual syndrome 或 premenstrual tension)physical and emotional problems such as pain and feeling depressed that many women experience before their period (= flow of blood) each month. PMS/PMT are abbreviations forpremenstrual syndrome/tension .


n.1.premenstrual syndrome: the pain and unpleasant feelings some women have just before their period every month

1.经前症候群(Pre-Menstrual Syndrome)经前症候群(PMS)是指发生在女性月经周期的黄体期中,出现有周期性身体不适及情绪、行为上改变,并影响日常生活、社会活 …

2.经前期综合征孙鹏;经前期综合征PMS)肝气逆证代谢组学研究[D];山东中医药大学;2009年曹银萍;散结定疼方治疗气滞血瘀型子宫内膜异位 …

3.经前综合症经前综合症(PMS)在生理及心理精神上给人带来很不适的影响。服用钙补充品能减少PMS 症状。

4.经前综合征减少经前综合征PMS)。 减缓怀孕期间的恶心和呕吐。

5.经前期综合症经前期综合症(pms)在经前期,约有28.8%的女孩子会出现一种常见的生理机能变化,主要表现为头痛、眩晕、恶心、呕吐、心 …

6.物业管理系统(Property Management System)第一太平戴维斯物业管理系统PMS)是一个客户关系管理系统(CRM),提供给客户有关建筑的正面的具针对性的报告,降 …

7.酒店管理系统(Property Management Systems)房务酒店管理系统(PMS)解析餐饮餐饮的广告策略 工程餐厅空调短路 营销酒店的性价比 财务酒店的损益平衡 HR权变理论的中 …


1.But for really serious PMS pain, see your doctor, who might be able to prescribe a different medicine or birth control pills to help.但是,如果疼痛特别严重,建议去看医生,医生可能会开一些不同的药方或者避孕药来缓解疼痛。

2.Along these lines, many PMs would like to see RUP Inception phase preceded by an additional period where such issues could be taken care of.沿着这些思路,许多PM想要看到RUP初始阶段之间加上照顾这些问题的额外时期。

3.Some project managers (PMs) seem to forget traditional PM rigors in favor of the Agile principle of "the customer is always right. "某些项目经理(PM)好像是忘记了传统的PM对于“客户永远是正确的”这一敏捷法则的严格性。

4.PMs must be continuously challenged and exposed to projects to put knowledge into practice and therefore becoming better at it.项目经理们必须持续接受挑战,把知识应用到项目实践中去才能学会做得更好。

5.Through clinical trials and the work of feminists, viewing PMS in a social context had begun to take place.纵观众多临床试验与女权主义者的成果,在一个社会背景下审视经前综合症由来已久。

6.This PMS vision requires that all services use the correct policy at all times and discards replication on its own as a solution.这个PMS版本需要所有服务在任意时刻都使用正确的策略,作为解决方案放弃复制其自身。

7.Women have contributed to the rise of interest in PMS and society's acceptance of it as an illness.妇女已经为人们对经前综合症兴趣的提升和社会对它作为疾病的认同做出了贡献。

8.Some feminists have suggested that viewing PMS as a disease is born out of a patriarchal society.一些女权主义者认为把经前综合症视为一种疾病源自男权社会。

9.Some feminists[who? ] assert that the emergence of PMS as a disorder occurred during a time when women's roles in society were changing.某些女权主义者声称,当妇女在社会中的角色不断得到改变之时,经前综合症才作为一种疾病才被突显出来。

10.PMS tends to be more common among twins, suggesting the possibility of some genetic component.经前综合症在孪生姐妹群体中有更普遍的倾向,表明可能与某些遗传组分相关。