


英文单词:图标;巴布亚新几内亚(Papua New Guinea);可移植网络图形(Portable Network Graphics)


1.图标方译作天堂鸟)是国内很多咖啡爱好者们熟悉的名字,而巴布亚新几内亚PNG)的品质也是大家耳熟能详的,醇度高,口 …

3.可移植网络图形(Portable Network Graphics)为可移植网络图形 (PNG) 编码图像定义一个解码器。 PngBitmapEncoder 定义用于对可移植网络图形 (PNG) 格式图像进行编 …

4.图片同问图片(.png)导入flash后尺寸变小..why? 2008-05-02 14:56 ti_hai | 分类:电脑/网络 各位大大 有没什么办法?我换架机子就可 …

5.格式这种格式(.PNG)的图形文件可以用在FLASH制作中,非常方便.评论|分享到: 精彩知识在知道 光棍之泪 |七级采纳率33% 擅长: …


1.PNG is an excellent filetype for internet graphics, as it supports transparency in browsers with an elegance that GIF does not possess.PHG对于网络图像来说是个极好的文件格式,因为它有一种GIF没有的典雅,支持浏览器透明度。

2.The flash-based site is very easy to use and lets you stretch and resize JPG, GIF, and PNG files using a technique known as seam carving.这个基于flash的网站非常易于使用,可以拉伸和调整JPG、GIF和PNG文件,使用的技术叫做接缝雕刻(seamcarving)。

3.China is ready to make joint efforts with PNG to further enhance friendly and cooperative ties in the new century.中方愿与巴新共同努力,在新世纪把两国友好合作关系提高到新的水平。

4.According to the Straits Times, Png's first words on waking after surgery were to ask how his girlfriend was.据《海峡时报》报道,皮埃尔蓬进行完肝脏摘除手术后,在醒来后的说第一句话就是询问自己女友的情况怎么样了。

5.First, the paper magazine was crammed into the little iPad frame. In form of a PNG slide show.首先,纸质的杂志被塞进iPad小小的框内,变成了PNG格式的幻灯片。

6.Mockups can be exported to clipboard or to a PNG file.原型可以输出到剪贴板或者导出为PNG格式。

7.Converting it from the proprietary Ink format to an image format like PNG does require a few tricks and a call to the server.不过,将InkPresenter从一个私有的Ink格式转化为一幅诸如PNG格式的图片却需要一些技巧,且需要服务器端的帮助。

8.PNG tends to be the biggest of the three filetypes and isn't supported by some (usually older) browsers.PNG趋向于三种文件格式中最大的,而且一些浏览器(一般老的)不支持。

9.In this case, the PNG format was created as a free replacement to GIF and is now the de-facto standard for images on the web.在那时,有人创建了免费的PNG格式以替代GIF,现在PNG已经成为Web图象事实上的标准了。

10.When generating a report, you can now choose which format should be used for the graphics: JPEG, PNG, SVG or TIFF.在生成报告时,您现在可以选择应该用于图形的格式:JPEG、PNG、SVG或TIFF。