


美式发音: [ræʃ] 英式发音: [ræʃ]




比较级:rasher  最高级:rashest  复数:rashes  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.rash decision,rash offer







1.[c][ususing]皮疹;疹an area of red spots on a person's skin, caused by an illness or a reaction to sth

I woke up covered in a rash.我醒来时长了一身皮疹。

I come out in a rash(= a rash appears on my skin) if I eat chocolate.我一吃巧克力就长皮疹。

The sun brought her out in(= caused) an itchy rash.太阳晒了她一身痱子,很痒。

a heat rash(= caused by heat)痱子

2.[sing]~ (of sth)大量;许多;(涌现的)众多令人不快的事物a lot of sth; a series of unpleasant things that happen over a short period of time

a rash of movies about life in prison大量关于监狱生活的电影

There has been a rash of burglaries in the area over the last month.近一个月这一带发生了很多起入室行窃案。


1.轻率的;鲁莽的doing sth that may not be sensible without first thinking about the possible results; done in this way

a rash young man鲁莽的年轻人

It would be rash to assume that everyone will agree with you on this.你要是认为在这件事上谁都会同意你的看法,那就太欠考虑了。

Think twice before doing anything rash.不要草率行事,要三思而行。

This is what happens when you make rash decisions.这就是你贸然作决定的后果。



n.1.an area of small red spots on your skin, caused by an illness or an allergic reaction to something that you have touched, eaten, etc.2.a lot of instances of a particular thing taking place in a short period of time, especially something unpleasant

adj.1.acting or done too quickly, without considering the effects of your actions

1.轻率的 (1) 符合[ conform to] (2) 轻率的[ rash] 相宜的[ suitable] ...

2.皮疹 (57)皮掌[ Outsole] (58)皮疹[ Rash] (59)皮脂[ Sebum] ...

3.鲁莽的 quickness—— 速度 rash—— 鲁莽的 surly—— 脾气大的,倔强的 ...

4.疹子 rascal 小淘气 rash 疹子 rat 老鼠 ...

5.红疹,不过真的很像,是吧!皮肤病徵早期像是个红疹Rash),而且会有突起(red papules),有些会eroded破掉后呈现有些 …

6.发疹 rarefaction 稀薄 rash 发疹 raspatory 刮骨刀 ...


1.She had been exposed so long in the sun that she broke out in a rash.她在阳光下曝晒太久以致皮肤过敏了。

2.You do not have to be a British Eurosceptic to break out in a rash at the very mention of the Lisbon treaty.提到《里斯本条约》,你不必如英国的欧盟怀疑论者一般鲁莽的破口大骂。

3.South Africa, which had a rash of blackouts in 2008 and imports electricity from its neighbours, sorely needs more generating capacity.2008年,南非曾发生了一连串的断电事故,而平时得从邻国进口电力,迫切需要增加更多的发电量。

4.The rate of nonresponse is then estimated at 10%, which is the rate in all patients who did not develop the side effect of the rash.的应答率则估计为10%,这是所有患者心率谁没有发展的皮疹副作用。

5.He took no questions but emphasized that Beijing did not want the council to take rash or excessive action.他没有回答记者的提问,但强调中国不希望安理会贸然行事或反应过度。

6.If I follow you correctly, then you thInk a rash decIsIon often affects educatIon and career?如果我没有领会错的话,那么您认为一个草率的决定常常影响到教育与事业?

7.If cough persists for more than one week, tends to recur, or is accompanied by a fever, rash or persistent headache, consult a physician.如果咳嗽坚持在超过一个星期,倾向于复发,或由热病,轻率或坚持头疼伴随,咨询医师。

8.Food allergy can take the form of a sudden life-threatening reaction known as anaphylaxis, as well as eczema or an itchy rash.这些食物容易引起肠道的过敏性反应、湿疹、以及发痒性皮疹等等。

9.One of his best games in Atleti colours but threw it all away when he got himself sent off late in the game for a rash tackle on Uche.这是他马竞的最好比赛之一,但是很遗憾,在比赛的最后,他因对乌切犯规而被罚出场。

10.He concluded ruefully that it was "arrogant and rash" to profess virtues that you cannot live up to, and retreated into indolent seclusion.他懊悔地总结道,宣称自己信奉不能修行到的美德是非常“自傲和轻率的”。最终,他选择隐居,不理世事。