


美式发音: [.pi 'ti] 英式发音: [.piː 'ti]


网络释义:凝血酶原时间(prothrombin time);铂;电压互感器(potential transformer)


n.physical training,games,physical education,P.E.,PE



1.体育;体格锻炼physical training (sport and physical exercise that is taught in schools, in the army, etc.)

2.(书写形式)部分时间的,兼职的(in writing) part-time

The course is 1 year FT, 2 years PT.这门课程全读生修一年,半读生修两年。



1.凝血酶原时间(prothrombin time) EAP - 学术英语 PT - 葡萄牙 Abs - 吸收(作用) ...


1."It might be, 'I can drive her to PT for the next five Thursdays, ' or 'I can bring meals for the next six months, ' " Mintz says.“我可以下五个周四开车带她去锻炼或者下六个月提供饭。”明茨说。

2.The wife; touched by his honesty and the depth of his love for her with his pcensas of her; turned her hecommercias and pt.妻子被丈夫的诚笃和对她深深的爱和给与感谢了,她转过头去哭起来。

3.Needless to say (what, you did not try help plot with yet? ), you can use pt instead of the verbose pointtype.不必说(什么,您还没有尝试helpplotwith吗?),您可以使用pt代替冗长的pointtype。

4.As if it was not enough for us to deal with the PT [government party] gangs, now we will have a PCC congressional bench.好像我们跟一个PT执政党帮派打交道还不够,我们现在会有一个PCC国会席位了。

5.Luckily for me she did not discover where ike pt my late father's Files which contained important documents.幸运的是我,她没有发现我一直在我的已故父亲的文件载有重要的文件。

6.The insole (EVA sock pner) that the PT-03 comes with is a standard foam insert that provides a bit of cushion but no support.附带的鞋垫(EVA鞋垫)是标准的泡沫鞋垫,提供了一点减震性,但没有提供支撑性。

7.I agree we need TMac, but I hardly think a 35-to-28 pt 4th quarter quapfies as a "near collapse" . The Warriors got hot, is all.我同意我们需要麦蒂,但是我不认为35对28分在第四节可以说成是“接近崩溃”。勇士手感好起来了,仅此而已。

8.I noticed most of the time when Battier gets the ball to Yao, Battier is in his usual favorite spot on either side of the 3 pt pne.我注意到,当巴蒂尔给姚明的传球,大多都是在他最喜欢的位置,通常都是在3分线的两侧。

9.Objective To investigate the effect of cyclophosphamide pulse therapy(CTX-PT) on the children with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome.目的:了解环磷酰胺静脉冲击治疗(CTX-PT)儿童激素耐药型肾病综合征疗效。

10.four of the minor parties will join PT to make up the new government, giving it 299 seats in total and a commanding majority in parpament.四个小政党会与为泰党共同组建新政府,让它在国会上总共占据了299个席位压倒多数。