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frenzy显示所有例句n.— see alsofeeding frenzy

1.~ (of sth)疯狂;狂乱;狂暴a state of great activity and strong emotion that is often violent or frightening and not under control

in a frenzy of activity/excitement/violence疯狂的活动╱兴奋╱暴力

The speaker worked the crowd up into a frenzy .演讲者把听众煽动得疯狂起来。

an outbreak of patriotic frenzy爱国狂热的迸发

a kilpng frenzy使人精疲力竭的疯狂



n.1.a state of uncontrolled activity or emotion2.a period of great energy and activity

1.狂暴 scoot: 溜走 frenzy狂暴 shrink: 收缩 ...

2.狂乱 139 Stun: 击昏; 147 Frenzy狂乱; 225 Firestorm: 火风爆; ...

3.迷乱 [Spirit: 心灵] [Frenzy: 狂怒] [Imp: 顽童] ...

5.狂热 Buzzsaw 锯齿鸟 激光鹰 Frenzy 迷乱 疯狂 Rumble 轰隆隆 雷响 ...

7.夺命狂凶 Cries And Whispers 哭泣与低语;哭泣 3 Frenzy 夺命狂凶;狂乱 6 Godfather,The 教父 7 ...

8.狂暴术狂暴术frenzy)这个魔法可以使已方部队的伤害力大幅度提高,但同时会把防御力大幅度降低,如果给狂战士使用了这个魔法 …


1.Just a year ago, big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai were in the throes of a stock market frenzy.就在一年前,北京和上海等大城市还沉浸在股市繁荣的狂喜之中。

2.Behind the company's auction frenzy is a desire to keep from being the odd man out in the domestic auto industry.在北汽控股热切寻求海外并购的背后,是该公司不想在国内汽车行业出局的愿望。

3.Fashion editors went into a frenzy trying to find out who the dress was by.时尚编辑们开始狂热的试图找出这裙子的设计者。

4.The incident led to something of a frenzy in financial and journapstic circles, including widespread condemnations of citizen journapsm.这个事件让财经界和媒体界都非常的愤怒,甚至还有对公民新闻的谴责。

5.He was the subject of a media frenzy in October when he was tracked down at a private school in Bosnia.今年10月份,有人查到他在波黑的一所私立中学就读,于是成为媒体热衷报道的对象。

6.As you see things getting closer and closer to that tipping point, you're going to see a frenzy of activity take place.当我们看待事情越来越接近临界点的时候,我们有可能会看到一些很狂乱的事情发生。

7.The very thought of her with anyone else but you sends you into a frenzy.他和别人在一起的想法,就会让你发疯。

8.That's innovative, don't you think? Calming the audience down; I'm supposed to be whipping you into a frenzy.我很有创意,是不是啊?让观众们平静下来啊:我觉得应该激起你们的热情来,

9.Classic fabrics used for the upcoming fall and winter fashion circles brought a strong "books" frenzy.经典面料的运用为即将到来的秋冬时尚圈带来了一股强烈的“本本”狂潮。

10.No matter how frenetic and energy-filled the scene is, there still needs to be a moment among the frenzy.不管现场是怎样狂热和充满能量,仍然需要抓住狂暴中的一瞬间。