



1.psa: this all sounds kind of pke that movie, the beach. kevin: maybe, but this place is for real. go check it out and let me know!莉莎:这听起来超像《海滩》那部电影。凯文:也许吧,但这个地方是真的。去看看然后告诉我吧!我冲浪的时间到了!

2.See if you find out where i can get ticket to fly, or you take me to YW or HZ, I never been there, maybe go check out some things.看看你能否帮我找一些地方我可以买张飞机票飞过去的,或者你带我去YW或者HZ,我从没有去过那里,可能可以去看一些东西。

3.It`s very nice of you to say so. Excuse me, I`ll have to go check the departure time.你这么说.太感谢了.抱歉.我得看一下飞机起飞时间。

4.Kevin: Maybe, but this place is for real. Go check it out and let me know! Time for me to hit the surf.凯文:也许吧,但这个地方是真的。去看看然后告诉我吧!我冲浪的时间到了!

5.CNY visitings is merely a time for you to go check out other people's bookshelves.过年的拜年时间对你而言只不过是去看看人家的书橱里有什么新书罢了。

6.I think I saw Rachel out in the hall. -Let me go check.我想我看到瑞秋在走廊上我去看看

7.Every time I would hang out with Aniston, she'd go, 'Check this out' and rip her shirt off.每次我想约她的时候,她会说‘看看这个’,她脱掉衣服。

8.Gus said he had to go check out a smell in the crawl space. He set a bottle in front of Rodney along with a pen and cocktail napkin.格斯说他要去核查一下管线槽隙的气味,然后放了一瓶酒、一支钢笔以及一块鸡尾酒餐巾纸在罗德尼面前。

9.You know, go check the bar, baby, okay? Hey, hey, hey, look.你明白,到酒吧看看,宝贝儿,好吗?嘿,嘿,嘿,看看。

10.Well, you should wear a suit. I heard there's a sale at the shopping mall. Let's go check it out.那你应该穿得正式点儿。听说附近有家商场打折。我们去看看吧。