




1.故宫 西安门 XI`AN MEN 故宫 Palace Museum 北岗子 南苑机场 Nanyuan Airport ...

2.故宫博物院 "Purple" 紫微垣; "Palace Museum" 故宫博物院; "the Forbidden City," 紫禁城; ...

3.故宫博物馆 palace museum 故宫博物馆 palace museum 直译:宫殿博物馆 Palace museue 故宫博 …

6.北京故宫博物院在布鲁塞尔美术宫(Bozar)开幕,今年夏天将移至北京故宫博物院(Palace Museum)展出,任何对东西文化对话感兴趣的人一 …

7.大直与故宫 ... 昆山上海行( Shanghai, China) 大直与故宫( Palace Museum) 台北荣星花园( Long Xin P…

8.是故宫博物馆 Summer Palace 绝对是颐和园 palace museum 是故宫博物馆 forbidden city 是紫禁城 ...


1.The site, now known as the Palace Museum, is in the heart of the capital and covers approximately 150, 000 square metres.故宫,现在称为“故宫博物院”,位于中国首都的心脏地带,占地面积约为15万平方米。

2.He said he might go to the Palace Museum on Sunday.他说他星期天可能去参观故宫博物院。

3.Feng said the entire Palace Museum will be checked to see if any other items are missing.冯称整个故宫博物院将被检查来确定是否有其他藏品丢失。

4.Our original plan was to see such famous sights as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace in Beijing.我们最初的计划是在北京游览长城、故宫、颐和园等著名景点。

5.Mr Feng said the entire Palace museum would be checked to see if any other items were missing.冯乃恩表示,整个故宫博物院将进行全面检查,看是否还有其它物品遗失。

6.The Palace Museum said the hall "cannot and will never become a luxurious private club for the global epte and wealthy" .故宫博物院表示故宫“不可能也永远不会成为全球精英富豪们的私人奢侈会所”。

7.However, the Beijing Palace Museum responded by saying they had not heard of this.但北京故宫却暂时回应表示,他们没有听说过这件事。

8.Accounting to my plan, we'll visit Tian'anmen Square. Then I'll show you to the Palace Museum right to the north of the square.根据我的计划,我们将要参观天安门广场。然后我带你们去故宫,就在广场的北面。

9.The land and building area as large as the National Palace Museum, also equivalent to a water area of the Summer Palace.它的陆上建筑面积和故宫一样大,水域面积又等于一个颐和园。

10.Once a big piece of work of his was damaged in portage, it was given to the hands of a mounting master from the Palace Museum.一次,他的一幅大画在搬运中破损,送到故宫的一位裱画高手处修补。