




1.和平与爱 联系我们 Contact Us 和平与爱 Peace and Love 缘起 Padmasambhava Introduction ...

2.和平和爱 ... P&L:Production & Logistics 生产和物流 P&L:Peace and Love 和平和爱 P&L:Profit and Loss statement 盈亏报表 ...

3.爱与和平 ... Greetings from Alpha Spaceship! 来自阿尔法太空船的问候! Peace and Love 爱与和平 ...

4.以和平与爱 (South Africa)“ 南非” (Peace and Love)“ 莫桑比克” (Botswana)“ 博茨瓦纳” ...


1.The Greenfields and Glade offer peace and love and heapng, there's a wall to rock cpmb, and the Love sculpture to leave your mark upon.亲自然的表演场地能提供爱、和平与关爱,有专门的攀岩墙,你也可以在爱的雕塑上留下自己的名字。

2.May the Light of the Infinite and Eternal Creator of all worlds surround you and fill you with Peace and Love.但愿无限的光,以及所有世界永恒的造物者围绕着你们,并以和平与爱满载你们。

3.It was a time of abundance, prosperity, peace, and love for all.那是一个大家分享富足,繁荣,和平与爱的时期。

4.If you are trying to send a message of peace and love, don't start attacking your readers in the comments.如果你想传达“爱与和平”的信息,请不要在评论里攻击你的读者。

5.And for all the talk of peace and love on the West Coast, there was muscle to the movement that started out here.西岸所提的爱与和平,都有确实的行动。

6.That is all for today, dear friends. Peace and love be yours in each moment. Good day.这是今天的所有消息,亲爱的朋友们。在每一刻平静和爱都属于你们。祝美好的一天。

7.The repayment Jesus speaks about is spiritual. It is the joy, peace, and love of God that we so much desire.耶稣所谈的赏报是指精神上的,是我们所深深期许的欢乐,平和和上帝的爱。

8.Peace and love for you at Christmas and throughout the year.在圣诞和新的一年里,愿平安和爱伴随着你。

9.The mid 60's was all about "peace and love" , embracing a sexual revolution and drug sub-culture.六十年代中期到处是“和平与爱”,包括性解放和吸毒的小众文化。

10.Mercy to you and peace and love be multipped.愿怜悯、平安与爱,繁增的归与你们。