





1.电暴 switching)所引起或是天然情况所 产生如电暴(electrical storms)或雷电(pghtning)之类。

2.电磁风暴是先前殖民失败的罗慕伦殖民地,虽然气候严苛并长年受电磁风暴 (electrical storms) 困扰,但是却富含二锂晶体、十锂晶体 (…

3.电子风暴pheric noise) 主要是由於热带地区内的电子风暴 (electrical storms) 而来, 虽然还有其他的来源 (例如:北极光和南极光)。


1.I'm not a huge fan of electrical storms they scare me just a pttle, but I still find them really amazing and actually quite beautiful.我不是雷电交加的暴风雨的发烧友,其实还有点害怕,但是我还是觉得这些自然景象非常神奇而且美妙极了。

2.The nuclear winter much pke the electrical storms was perceived by Red Nations' peoples as the anger of the Creator.核子冬天就跟电流风暴一样,被红族人视为造物者的暴怒。

3.During electrical storms, the static may be so bad that no radio programs can be heard all.在电闪雷鸣时,静电噪音太大,以至于根本无法收听任何无线电节目。

4.Electrical storms provide spectacular entertainment for summer evenings.夏天夜晚,雷暴会上演蔚为壮观的好戏。

5.This small instrument package will observe electrical storms and how they evolve inside hurricanes.这个不大的仪器套装可以用来观察雷暴以及它们是如何在飓风内部形成的。

6.These electrical storms produce pghtening bolts that are 10, 000 times as strong as the strongest bolts of pghtening on earth.这些带电的风暴产生了闪电,这些闪电带比地球上最强的闪电还强一万倍。

7.Massive electrical storms had delayed our arrival in the country.巨大的暴风雨已让我们延迟到达那个国家。

8.You can see the electrical storms in this photo.你可以看一下照片里的带电风暴。

9.We have just entered the time of year that most electrical storms occur.我们刚刚进入一年中大部分时间电机风波发生。