


网络释义:像素;推;容许接触水平(Permissible Exposure Level)


1.像素 peer 同级 pel 像素 penalty n. 惩罚,罚款,负担 ...

2.推 metropops 大城市 pel- expel- 开除 ...

3.容许接触水平(Permissible Exposure Level)osure Levels 职业曝露浓度 COPC Permissible Exposure Level (PEL): 7ppm COPC许可的曝露浓度:7ppm 许可的曝露浓度…

4.贝利 Niccolo Paganini 尼科洛·帕格尼尼 Pel 贝利 Raphael 拉斐尔 ...


1.The rice research team of our university introduce the super rice(pang you pel jiu)from the hybrid rice research center of hunan province .另外我校水稻组近两年从湖南杂交水稻研究中心引进了超级稻(两优培九),产量及品质俱佳。

2.It reduces fractional pel search points efficiently by predicting flat homogeneous regions of the image.该算法通过预测图像平坦均匀区域,有效地减少了分像素搜索点数。

3.For subpixel precision, it supports quarter-pel motion vectors with a 6-tap interpolation filter.对于亚像素精度,它支持与六抽头插值滤波器四分之一像素运动矢量。

4.The PEL preferably is an optically transparent and conductive layer.PEL优选是光学透明和导电的层。

5.A half- pel accuracy and variable block size motion estimation scheme is discussed lastly.最后讨论了半像素精度和变块大小运动估计方案。

6.In the 1970s, Pel retired from the national team of Brazil and became a professional player for a team in New York.1970年以后,贝利从巴西国家队退役,成为纽约一支足球队的专业运动员。

7.We improve the mode-switching algorithm with the use of half-pel motion vectors.我们改善模式切换算法使用半像素运动矢量。

8.Efficient hierarchical block-match motion estimation algorithm with half-pel accuracy高效多分层半像素精度块匹配运动估计算法