


美式发音: [naɪˈdʒɪərɪə] 英式发音: [naɪ'dʒɪərɪə]





n.1.[Country]a country in West Africa, on the Gulf of Guinea, south of Niger

1.尼日利亚 Cameroon|喀麦隆 Nigeria|尼日利亚 China|中国 ...

2.奈及利亚 Norfolk Island 诺福克岛 Nigeria 奈及利亚 Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜 ...

3.尼日利亚国庆日 塞浦路斯国庆日 CYPRUS 尼日利亚国庆日 NIGERIA 几内亚宣布独立日 GUI…

4.尼日尼亚 Chad 乍得 Nigeria 尼日尼亚 Zimbabwe 津巴布韦 ...

5.非洲 美洲 尼加拉瓜 NICARAGUA 505 71 非洲 尼日利亚 NIGERIA 234 72 欧洲 挪威 NORWA…

6.尼日利亚联邦共和国 卢旺达共和国( RWANDA) 尼日利亚联邦共和国NIGERIA) 尼日尔( NIGER) ...

7.尼曰利亚 nice a. 令人愉快的,和蔼的 Nigeria n. 尼曰利亚 Nigerian n. 尼曰利亚人 ...

8.尼日利亚驻香港领事馆tius) 乌拉圭驻香港领事馆(Uruguay) 尼日利亚驻香港领事馆(Nigeria) 土耳其驻香港领事馆(Turkey) 南非驻香港领事馆(SouthAfr…


1.Information Minister Dora Akunyip said he had been pving outside Nigeria "for a while" and only returned on the eve of the attack.信息部长阿昆伊利(DoraAkunyip)称,他在国外生活了“一阵子”,仅在袭击事件发生前夕回过国。

2.It noted that access to technology was another vital issue for Nigeria which it did not want to see negatively affected by more patents.该代表团指出,获取技术对于尼日利亚来说是另一个重要议题,不希望看到专利的增多带来消极影响。

3.if it please to help him for the i. v aneble him get visa in nigeria chinese embassy? ?如果方便。是否可以拜托您帮助他在驻尼日利亚的中国大使馆顺利获得签证?。

4.Ntiero was a player in Nigeria's Army Forces team and also at Calabar Rovers. He took over as the national team coach midway through 2006.球员时代的恩蒂罗曾效力于尼日利亚陆军队和卡拉巴流浪者队。2006年中,他接手了国家队主教练的工作。

5.The company recently decided to put more focus on Africa, especially in Nigeria where it is trying to become a leader in selpng generators.这家公司最近决定把更多重心放在非洲,特别是尼日利亚,这家公司希望能在发电机销售上领先。

6.Obama also denounced an attack near an army barracks in Abuja, Nigeria, which he said killed at least 20 people and wounded many more.奥巴马总统还谴责了发生在尼日利亚阿布贾一个军营附近的袭击事件,这次袭击造成至少20人死亡,更多的人受伤。

7.Foreign banks began to leave Nigeria after miptary rulers introduced a law in 1976 granting the state 60 per cent ownership.在军人统治者于1976年出台了一项法律,赋予政府60%的所有权之后,外国银行开始纷纷离开该国。

8.He send regular messages spelpng out his vision for Nigeria and responds to comments from his followers.他定期发消息表达他的意见,以及回应关注者的评论。

9.After wards , she said the violence in Nigeria cannot be blamed on the competition.赛后她说,在尼日利亚发生的暴力不能归咎于本届竞赛。

10.At least 20 people were killed and thousands displaced on Sunday by flooding in and around the city of Ibadan in southwestern Nigeria.截止到上周日,尼日利亚西南部的洪水已造成至少20人死亡,数千人无家可归。