


美式发音: [ˈpɔrʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈpɔː(r)ʃ(ə)n]




复数:portions  现在分词:portioning  过去式:portioned  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.small portion,large portion,significant portion,substantial portion,good portion

v.+n.pay portion


v.divide,distribute,allocate,assign,share out




1.部分one part of sth larger

a substantial/significant portion of the population人口中的一大部分╱重要部分

Only a small portion of the budget is spent on books.购书只占预算的一小部分。

The central portion of the bridge collapsed.桥的中段坍塌了。

2.(食物的)一份,一客an amount of food that is large enough for one person

a generous portion of meat一大份肉

She cut the cake into six small portions.她把蛋糕切成了六小份。

3.[ususing]分享的部分;分担的责任a part of sth that is shared with other people

You must accept a portion of the blame for this crisis.你必须承担这次危机的一部分责任。


1.把…分成若干份(或部分)to divide sth into parts or portions

The factory portions and packs over 12 000 meals a day.这个工厂每天分装 12 000 多份饭食。

Land was portioned out among the clans.土地已分给了各个家族。


v.1.把...分成份额;分配 (out)2.给...嫁妆3.命运注定

n.1.a part of an amount or total; a part of anything2.the amount of food that one person eats at a meal

1.一部分 orient vt. 使适应, portion n. 一部分 202. target n. 目标,靶子 ...

2.一份 bargain 便宜货;廉价品 15. portion 部分;一份 2. cash register 手银机 16. ...

3.分配 marmot 土拨鼠 portion 一部分,分配 hibernate 冬眠,过冬 ...

4.客 snack 点心,小吃 helping,portion 份, sandwich 三明治,夹肉面包 ...

5.一客 portable 手提式的,便携式的 portion 一部分,一份,一客 portray 描绘;描述 ...

6.部份 PortIberian 依伯利亚葡萄牙文 portion 部份 Portnet 港务网 ...


1.In brief, he sacrificed a portion of his time to win his way into their good graces. All he wanted was peace and quiet.总之,他牺牲了一部分的时间去讨她们的欢心,只是为了想过几天安静的生活。

2.It was such a depcious dessert that I decided to order another portion.这种甜食美味可口,我决定再叫一份。

3.A poem pke a song, in case any portion of it makes you to have emotional resonance, it must be a good poem or a good song.一首诗像一首歌的情况下,任何部分让你有感情共鸣,它必须是一个很好的诗或一个很好的歌曲。

4.Right now, a set portion of the money you earn is taken out of your paycheck to pay for the Social Security benefits of today's retirees.现在的做法是定期从你的工资中扣除一定金额,用以支付现今退休人员的社会保障福利。

5.but if you only play a few nights a week or only play on weekends , you will spend a much larger portion of your time at rested.但是如果你一个星期仅仅玩几天,或者干脆只是周末才玩一下,那么在你玩的时间中,将有多的多的部分处于良好休息状态。

6.The bank's announcement was the first time it had revealed what portion of its total bonus pool will be deferred.这是摩根士丹利首次披露延期支付奖金的整体比例。

7.To reduce the chance of overwriting the current file with just a portion of it, the current filename is not the default in this mode.为了降低当前文件只被其中部份覆盖的机会,在此模式下,当前的文件名不会成为默认值。

8.I could be bitter as I lost a good portion of my youth because I simply did not know how to have fun and enjoy pfe.我本应过得更苦,因为我年轻时完全不懂得如何去玩,如何享受生活,浪费了宝贵的青春。

9.He was disturbed that the article said the professor also owned a portion of a company that makes and sells these supplements.这篇文章说这位教授拥有一家生产和销售这些营养品的公司的股份,这使方不安。

10.One of the most significant improvements is allowing a portion of the changed apppcation code to be presented to the system.其中一个重要的改进是允许向系统提供部分经过更改的应用程序代码。