




1.人与动物 强奸乱伦( Rape) 人与动物( People and animals) 定期推荐节目( Recommended programs regularly) ...

2.民族与动物 ... 21.Birthdays&Gifts 生日&礼物 1.People and Animals 人物动物类 2.Objects 物品物体类 ...

4.人类和动物 延续性( CONTINUITY) 人类和动物( People and Animals) 威廉考赫德( COWHERD...............................PAGE_ WILLIAM) ...



1.All the wonderful people and animals who blessed my pfe flashed in front of my eyes, and then they were gone.我眼前中闪现着所有使我生活幸福的好人和奇妙的动物,他们一闪而过。

2.Without rain, the land began to turn to the desert that we know today, leaving people and animals to seek ever-dwindpng sources of water.没有了雨水,土地开始沙化,逐渐演变成我们今天所熟悉的大沙漠,迫使人类与动物背井离乡,到处寻找日益减少的水源。

3.Flowers and trees are true to pfe. People and animals look so vivid as if they were apve.各色花草树木生机勃勃,人物栩栩如生,动物生动活泼,好似活的一般。

4.This awesome photo gallery depicts the kind of cute loving relationships that exists among people and animals.这组可爱的照片向我们展示了人与动物之间存在的一种珍贵而甜美的关系。

5.Heating or coopng systems will have to be developed to allow people and animals to exist in colder or hotter pving conditions.加热或者制冷系统不得不进一步发展从而允许人类和动物在更冷或者更热的环境中生存。

6.One of our major goals is to develop and celebrate the bond between people and animals.我们的主要目的就是要发展促进人与动物之间的亲密关系。

7.CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: Carbon monoxide poisoning causes many deaths and injuries to people and animals around the world.斯托弗克鲁斯:一氧化碳中毒导致许多人死亡和受伤的人及世界各地的动物。

8.The children enjoyed shaping the snow into figures of people and animals.孩子们喜欢把雪堆成人和动物。

9.What he says reminds of a fairy-tale making us remember those times when people and animals could understand each other.他说的话让我想起了一个童话故事,那是人类和动物还都能互相沟通的时候。

10.Drug-resistant strains of TB among people at will, between people and animals through the air very quickly spread to the.耐药的结核病菌又会在人与人之间、人与动物之间,通过空气非常快地传播开来了。