




1.完美情人 Gimme More 再危险 我也要 Perfect Lover 完美情人 Piece Of Me 破碎的我 ...

2.完美的情人在现实生活里,根本就没有完美的情侣(Perfect Couple),更不会有完美的情人(Perfect Lover),就算你眼见是有,只不过是短暂 …

3.播放完美情人播放完美情人(Perfect Lover)

4.完美爱人《完美爱人Perfect Lover)》 (2006),塞尔维亚艺术家Danilo Prnjat的电影剧照。在英国,有人与他遥相呼应……图片来源: D…

5.爱者祂是全备的爱者(perfect lover),能在被爱者(beloved)里创造美和爱。[40]


1.Some of the mistresses also offer free onpne courses on training to be the perfect lover.有些情妇们还在网上提供免费的课程----如何成为一名无可挑剔的情妇。

2.Yes, and she was the most perfect lover from men's view.是的,她还是男人心目中完美的情人。

3.It bears too much the weight of my emotions and imaginations, a perfect lover.它承载了我太多的感情和幻想,是完美的情人……

4.What do you think a perfect lover should have?你觉得完美的情人要具备哪些条件?

5.We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.我们耗尽青春寻找完美的爱人,却没有努力给予完美的爱情。

6.Find out your perfect lover among thousands of people!发现你千万人之中完美情人!

7.But if you are carried away by love, then you will become a "perfect" lover and definite loser in your studies.但是如果你为爱情神魂颠倒,那么你就会变成一个“纯粹”的情人和一个学习上的失败者。

8.We waste time looking for perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.我们总是在浪费时间寻找完美的情人,而不是去创造完美的爱情。

9.Infatuation, then, is a sudden, emotional sense that one has discovered the "perfect" lover.迷恋是一种认为找到完美爱人的突然的情绪化感觉。

10.TULIP (GENERAL) - Perfect Lover, Fame, Flower Emblem Of Holland, Luck郁金香(一般):完美的爱情,传说,荷兰之国花幸运