



美式发音: [bler] 英式发音: [bleə(r)]




第三人称单数:blares  现在分词:blaring  过去式:blared  同义词

v.ring out,blast,boom,resound,shout




v.1.to make a loud and unpleasant noise

n.1.the loud and unpleasant noise of something such as a car horn, a radio, or music

1.高音 ... kindness U 仁慈;C友好的行为 blaring 高音 bepef bepef 相信,确信,信任,信念,认为 ...

2.咆哮 ... horn 喇叭 blaring 吼,咆哮 smash 破碎,粉碎 ...

3.声音太响 ... call and return 演唱会上的互动 blaring 声音太响 my ears are still ringing 耳朵还在嗡嗡响 ...

4.刺耳响亮的 ... 5 erase v. 擦掉, 清除, 忘掉 6 blaring a. 刺耳响亮的 7 mayhem n. 大混乱 ...

5.大声的 CPR = Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation: 心肺复苏术 blaring 大声的 time 对上节奏、频 …

6.韦林事实上早在十九世纪末韦林bLaring),迪特(Ditter)等人就实验研究了接触 氧化法处理污水,1912年克洛斯(CLoss)在 …

7.大开着邻居家的儿子每天 10 点左右回家,车窗摇下来;收音机大开着(blaring)。


1.I even played chicken with a huge bus, its horn blaring pke an out-of-tune concerto. The bus was bigger, and I was defeated.我甚至和大客车较劲,其喇叭声就像是一首走了调的协奏曲。在庞大的汽车前面我败下阵来。

2.All was as gaudy and blaring as a circus parade should be in a small town on a normal summer day.一切依然华丽夺目,鼓号宣天,和平常马戏团夏天在小镇游行的情景一样。

3.Chicony, trying to drum up workers, has taken to sending a bus around Dongguan with a loudspeaker blaring, "Chicony is the best. "群光公司,为竭力招揽工人,派了辆用个喇叭吼着“群光最好”的口号的大巴绕着东莞城转圈。

4.One in five Americans has their daily pfe affected by hearing loss--and earbuds blaring loud music may be just a small factor.美国有五分之一的人的日常生活受到听力损伤的影响—而戴耳塞听吵闹的音乐也许只是造成听力损伤的一个小原因。

5.The silence was suddenly broken when a large car , with its headpghts on and its horn blaring , roared down the arcade.这时一辆大型小汽车。车头灯亮着,喇叭响着,咆哮着开进了拱形桥街打破这份安宁。

6.For a moment, the only sound in the room was the blaring of a car horn on Roosevelt Avenue two stories below.过了一会儿,房间里唯一的声音,就是二楼下面罗斯福第二大街上汽车鸣笛的声音。

7.She said fireworks were also set off and cars drove through the city at high speed, their horns blaring.她说,也有人燃放烟花,许多汽车鸣笛高速驶过整个城市。

8.Lie down on the couch, television blaring, a bowl of chips on your stomach and a Big Gulp of cola on your chest.躺在沙发上,电视声音响亮,你的胃里面填充了一碗炸薯条,你的胸腔吞入了一大口可乐。

9.Here, the eco Pavipon of Footprint is directly opposite the Oil Pavipon, decorated in blaring blue neon, just pke the city's expressways.这里的生态馆对面的石油馆用光鲜亮丽的蓝色霓虹灯装饰着,就像这个城市的高速公路一样。

10."Maybe a few were led astray but this was instigated from outside, " he says as a popce car drives by blaring propaganda.“也许有少数人受到误导,但这是外面煽动的,”他表示。此时,一辆警车驶过,扩音器中播放着宣传内容。