




1.彼得兔x Potter,内里就重现波特女士的不同作品,如彼德兔 (Peter Rabbit)、Benjamin Bunny、Tom Kitten及 Little Pig Robinson 等。

6.书彼得兔 ... frontpage 网页教学 peter rabbit 彼得兔寝具 flash 网页设计种籽 ...


1.CHILDREN love Peter Rabbit for his epic naughtiness and lucky escapes, adults for the depcacy with which he is drawn.彼得兔这个角色着实讨人喜欢,不仅小孩喜欢他的顽皮淘气和侥幸逃脱,更有成人慨叹其精细画工。

2.Little Peter Rabbit has a fly upon his head.小彼得头上有只苍蝇。

3.Maybe that explained the healthy veggie patches that Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny noticed all around the Cappadocia region.这也许就解释了为什么彼得兔和本杰明兔子在卡帕多西亚地区各处都能发现健康的素食。

4.Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny are back at it again and have found bunny Utopia in Cappadocia, Turkey.彼得兔子和本杰明兔子又回来了,而且他们在土耳其卡帕多西亚发现了兔子乌托邦。

5.The mouse apologized profusely, and said that she knew Peter Rabbit.那鼠不断地道歉,而且说她认识彼得兔。

6.My hat was a construction of my three friends: Mr Jeremy Fisher, Benjamin Bunny and Peter Rabbit.我的帽子是我三个朋友共同建设品:杰里米先生,本杰明兔和彼得兔。

7.Little Peter Rabbit has a fly upon his nose.小彼得鼻子上有只苍蝇。

8.Little Peter Rabbit has a fly upon his tail.小彼得尾巴上有只苍蝇。

9.Little Peter Rabbit has a fly upon his fry.小彼得煎饼上有只苍蝇。

10.There are not the action of using trademark in Peter Rabbit books, so Peter Rabbit books don't infringe the rights under a mark.“彼得兔系列”图书不存在商标使用行为,并未侵犯商标权。