




1.平原印第安人度考虑,可能会变成相当仁慈而且人道。让我们拿北美洲平原区的印地安人Plains Indians)为例子,举他们做例子来讨论 …

5.印地安平原沙省主要地形为印地安平原(Plains Indians),境内有湍流河川、森林及超过10万个淡水湖泊,西临亚伯达省,东界缅尼托巴省…

6.平原印第安族在美国的平原印第安族(plains Indians)文化水准较低,越往南越高。拉美历史有三大帝国,中美的马雅(Maya)最早,全盛期相当 …


1.The loss of the buffalo, a primary resource for the plains Indians, was an existential blow to many native cultures.损失的水牛,一个主要的资源平原印度人,是一个生存的打击,许多土著文化。

2.The most famous type of solar cult is the Sun Dance of the Plains Indians of North America.太阳崇拜的最有名的类型是在对北美平原印第安人太阳舞。

3.Increased hostipty of the Plains Indians, however, led to his reinstatement, and in September 1868 he rejoined the 7th Cavalry in Kansas.然而,随着大平原印第安人敌意的增加,他官复原职并且于1868年9月重新加入了堪萨斯第七骑兵。

4.The "Chiefs" dressed in the traditional attire of Plains Indians, not in Cherokee regapa.“首领们”没有穿彻罗基华丽的服饰,而是穿着大平原印第安人的传统服装。

5.Plains Indians were dependent on buffaloes , and refused to over-hunt them.朴素的印第安人依靠水牛,并且拒绝在寻找他们。

6.The Plains Indians had settled in Medicine Lodge, which, for them, was a sacred area.大平原印地安人定居在梅迪辛洛其,对他们来说,这是一个圣地。

7.The Northern Plains Indians have artistic traditions that they want to preserve.北美平原印地安人拥有艺术感的常规,而他们想要将它保存下来。