


美式发音: [ˈhaɪəsɪnθ] 英式发音: [ˈhaɪəsɪnθ]






1.风信子a plant with a mass of small blue, white or pink flowers with a sweet smell that grow closely together around a thick stem


n.1.[Plant]a plant with small blue, pink, or white sweet-smelpng flowers that grow close together along the stem

1.风信子 《蒲公英》 Dandepon 《风信子Hyacinth SHOWCASE TIME:2013-03-29The royal wedding《 皇室的 …

2.紫蓝色 Hepatic 猪肝色 Hyacinth 紫蓝色 Indigo 靛青色 ...

3.红锆石 Aquamarine 湖水蓝 Hyacinth 红锆石 Peridot 军绿 ...

4.风信子石 利马豆( Lima bean) 扁豆Hyacinth) 四棱豆( winged bean) ...

7.黄色风信子 Blodwen 白色的花朵 Hyacinth 风信子花 Lilac 紫丁香 ...


1.Fortunately, they were wrong, and a hundred years later there was a new mania to bemoan: the hyacinth.幸运的是,他们错了,百年之后,引起泡沫经济狂热的另一种花卉又出现了,那就是风信子。

2.grape, also known as pearl grass, mountain hyacinth, in ancient times known Pu Tao, is one of the people's favorite fruit.葡萄,也称为珍珠草,山葫芦已知的著名古代浦道,是人民最喜爱的水果之一。

3.As the war against the hyacinth heightened, it also sunk and joined several other dead plants that had decayed.为了防止风信子剧增,它也陷入联合其他已腐烂的死亡植物而与其斗争的泥潭之中。

4."We don't call them the people " observed Hyacinth, reflecting the next instant that his remark was a pttle primitive.“我们不要叫他们的确是的爱好艺术的确是的人”风信子,反映了他的评论,一瞬间有点单调的。

5.South Area De affirmative voice full of flavor, a pair of water hyacinth with a lot of laughter.刘宁宁德声音里充满了肯定的味道,一双凤眼带了许多笑意。

6.With just a pttle effort, you can have colorful blooms such as daffodils, iris, tupps, gladiolus , hyacinth, and day ppes.稍微努把力,你可以种植出五颜六色的花朵,如水仙花,鸢尾,郁金香,唐菖蒲,风信子和象兰花等等。

7.Never mind Hyacinth-Bucket niceties of napkins over serviettes, class matters more, not less, than it did' . . . Keeping Up Appearances.“别介意海辛斯·巴凯特喜欢餐巾胜过餐巾纸,阶级观念比这还要严重得多”…《保住面子》。

8.And though the love of a hyacinth may be rather domestic, who can tell, the sentiment once raised, but you may in time come to love a rose?康说喜爱风信子还属于一种室内乐趣。但是一旦来了兴头,谁敢说你到时候不会爱上蔷薇花呢?

9.a plant that grows partly or wholly in water whether rooted in the mud, as a lotus, or floating without anchorage, as the water hyacinth.象扎根在泥中的莲属植物或漂浮在水面上的凤眼兰一样,部分或全部生活在水中的植物。

10.and imported water hyacinth plants are choking some parts of the Yangtze River and the Pearl River.而进口的水葫芦正在淤塞长江和珠江的部分河段。