




1.种水稻 the second 第二 plant rice 种水稻 play on the beach 在沙滩上玩儿 ...


1.In the Indian state of Punjab, farmers plant rice seedpngs ahead of the summer monsoon rains, which are expected at the end of June.在印度旁遮普邦,农民植物水稻幼苗,赶在预计在六月底的夏季气旋雨之前。

2.In addition, return initiate processing factory of a batch of small winery, small oily plant, rice and a slap-bang shop.此外,还兴办了一批小酒厂、小油厂、大米加工厂和小饭店。

3.In north-central Vietnam, people with small farms do not plant rice between September and December.在越南的中北部,小农场的人们在九月至十二月份期间不种植水稻。

4.Host: umm farmer? what kind of farmer ? plant rice, tree something pke this?做个农夫?什么样的农夫?就像这样种水稻?

5.But if you plant rice in a field one year and wheat in the field the next year, you will harvest good crops.但如果你头一年在这块地里种水稻,第二年则在这块地里种小麦,就会获得好收成。

6.The residue and degradation dynamic of 4% cartap in rice plant, rice, rice hull, paddyfield water and paddyfield soil was studied.研究了4%杀螟丹粒剂在水稻植株、稻米、稻壳、稻田水和土壤中的残留及消解动态。

7.Ding-ding, I remember that you want to have a cow? And Down-down , don't you want to have a big land to plant rice?叮叮你不是希望能有一头牛?而你当当,你不是希望能够买一大片土地种稻米

8.Do not plant rice year after year in the same field .在同一块地里不要年复一。

9.Zhang Yuankui had harvested his rapeseed; now he fretted over whether he could plant rice in time for September's crop.张元贵(音译)已经收获了他的油菜籽,现在他忧心的问题是他是否可以在九月份赶上种水稻。

10.They asked him which is the best time of year to plant rice.他们问他一年之中,什么时候是种植大米的好时候。