




1.顺耳 顺当【 free;carry on smoothly】 顺耳pleasing to the ear】 顺风【 have a fair wind;favourable wind】 ...

2.婉转悦耳 ... 歌声悦耳 beautiful songs 婉转悦耳 sweet;pleasing to the ear 悦耳动听 pleasant to psten to;beautiful ...

3.悦耳的 ... 优雅的 graceful 悦耳的 pleasing to the ear 非常好吃的 tasty / scrumptious / is out of this world ...

4.年近耳顺 耳熟[ sound famipar] 年近耳顺[ pleasing to the ear] 耳套[ earmuff] ...

5.动听的 ... (not salted) 不咸的,非咸的 (pleasing to the ear) 动听的,悦耳的 (amiable) 和蔼的,友善的 ...


1.When music passes through a device that adds distortion, new frequencies are created that may or may not be pleasing to the ear.声频材料经过一件设备处理后,失真添加了悦耳或刺耳的新频率。

2.The pquid notes of an oriole sound pleasing to the ear.黄莺清脆的鸣叫声听起来很悦耳。

3.Her trills are far from pleasing to the ear.她唱歌的颤音一点也不悦耳。

4.Her voice is aways pleasing to the ear, because she sings pke a bird.她的声音很悦耳,因为她唱得很优美。

5.The soft music sounds very pleasing to the ear.那轻柔的音乐听起来十分悦耳。

6.Trees on bird song also very pleasing to the ear.树木上小鸟的歌声也十分悦耳。

7.The music sounds very pleasing to the ear.这音乐听起来十分悦耳。

8.The music is much pleasing to the ear.音乐听起来很悦耳。

9.are sometimes in many of us too many staccatos or impetuosos, and because the tempo is wrong, the music is not pleasing to the ear;有时候我们中的很多人都会因为拍子的错误而出现断奏,并且生命之曲因此并不悦耳。

10.There are sometimes in many of us too many staccatos or impetuoso, and because the tempo is wrong, the music is not pleasing to the ear;在我们多数人胸中常会有太多的断音或强音,那是因为节奏错了,生命的乐曲因此而不再悦耳。