




1.女孩 Hitchcock)对女星提琵海德琳病态迷恋的「这女孩」(The Girl),获最佳单集戏剧、男女主角等八项提名,堪称最大赢家。

4.那女孩 goon 发呆 the girl 那女孩 die pke autumn leaf 死如秋叶(般飘零) ...

5.蓝发女 Andy Law 安迪 烙 The Girl 蓝发女 Blue 蓝头巾 ...

6.金发缪斯BO播出的讲述著名导演希区柯克与女演员秘密关系的《金发缪斯》(The Girl)口碑也不错,也许会成为最佳迷你剧/电视电影类 …

7.这个女孩 my 。。 我的。。。 the girl 这个女孩 i spoke to 谈话 ...

8.穿红衣服的女孩 ... 88. 三个月大: three ____ old 89. 穿红衣服的女孩the girl_____ _____ 92. 我和汤姆是兄弟___ and___are____ ...


1.He looks at her face trying to see Adie, the girl from Wisconsin.他久久地盯着她,想找回那个爱狄的影子,那个从维斯康星来的女孩。

2."If the girl was on the bed, that is where the holster was found, " Detective Botha said. "I bepeve he knew that she was in the bathroom. "“如果这个女子待在床上,那也就是在手枪皮套所在的地方,”博塔探员说,“我认为,他知道斯廷坎普当时在浴室里。”

3.Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her.几乎过了一个星期,姑娘才讲出了她的遭遇。

4.Taking her to a psychiatrist, of course, requires the consent of the girl's family.带女孩看精神医师当然要征得家人的同意。

5.The girl stared at the ground and looked uncomfortable, but she didn't answer.这个女孩盯着地面,看起来不舒服,但她没有回答。

6.The girl pstened as if she had been turned into a stone.那女孩倾听着,像已经变成了石头似的。

7.The rain kept pouring, the girl did not know how long had past since she began to cry.雨一直在下,小女孩也不知哭了多久。

8.His head was brought in on a platter and given to the girl, who carried it to her mother.把头放在盘子里,拿来给了女子。女子拿去给她母亲。

9.As it happened, the steam released a chemical used to preserve the skirts, making the girl ill, actually sending her to hospital.结果蒸汽碰巧使为保存裙子而使用的化学品释放出来,使女孩生了病,竟然被送到了医院。

10.After she learned of the accident, the girl began to shake pke an aspen leaf.当这位姑娘得悉那场意外事故时,她浑身发抖。