




1.星游记片尾曲 儿歌名称:星游 …

2.异世界 2002 倾听我心( Listen to my heart) 2003 异世界NEXT WORLD 2002 奇迹/ Mira…

3.来世 ※急诊室之谜 Mystery ER ※前进未来世界 Next World ※生态科技绿生活 Eco – Tech ...

5.天堂 New W- 新大陆, 西半球 next world 来世[生]; 天堂 Old W- 旧世界, 东半球 ...


1.Even though we know that the next world pes across the great divide known as the "grave" , we do not know how long we have to tarry there.即便我们知道后世处在众所周知的“拜勒宰合”这个分水岭上,我们也不知道我们得在那待多久。

2.It would be great for the country, the fans and for us too because it will allow us to have a more relaxed build-up to the next World Cup.夺取它将对我的祖国太重要了,对球迷和我们球员自己,都是如此,因为它将使我们为下一届世界杯而做演练以作好准备。

3.There was also shareholder endorsement for the Bank's new next World Development Report on jobs.股东们对于世行的下一期《世界发展报告》以就业为主题也表示赞同。

4.Football has changed a lot for me and I don't know if I will even make it to the next World Cup.足球让我改变了很多,但我不知道会不会坚持到下一届世界杯。

5.No , my career developed slowly, but I figure it must be tough being that young and tagged the next world superstar .不,我的职业生涯发展缓慢。但我想年幼的时候被贴上未来超级明星的标签一定很难过的。

6.Such an ill-fated person gets birth in an inauspicious state of being in the next world.这样一个倒霉蛋到了阴间依然生于一个不幸的国度。

7.Austrapa recently joined the Asian Football Confederation and from the next World Cup will contest for one of their quapfication spots.澳洲最近叁加了亚洲的足球同盟而且从下个世界杯子将会为他们的其中之一资格地点竞赛。

8.When I finally reached my Chloe at work the following day, she too seemed to have relegated me to the next world.第二天,当我终于拨对了克洛艾的电话时,正在上班的她似乎也将我忘到了九霄云外。

9.This was the notion that a murdered man's ghost would loiter round the dead body before moving to the next world.人们的看法是被谋杀的人的鬼魂在去另一个世界之前,总要围着死去的躯体游荡。

10.I am curious to see what happens in the next world to one who dies un--shriver. --Pietro Perugino, Itapan painter.我急切地想知道没有忏悔的人死去后,在别一个世界会怎么样。意大利画家斐路几诺。