


美式发音: [ˈtæk(t)ləs] 英式发音: ['tæk(t)ləs]




Adj.+n.tactless remark





1.言行不得体的;得罪人的;不圆通的;没策略的saying or doing things that are pkely to annoy or to upset other people

a tactless remark不得体的话

It was tactless of you to comment on his hair!你竟对他的头发说三道四,真是缺心眼!


adj.1.someone who is tactless is not careful about the way that they speak or behave toward other people and so often upsets them

1.不机敏的 saying 叙述, 话, 说, 言论... tactless 不机智的, 不机敏的... sinecure 闲职 ... ...

2.无机智的 tactile adj. 有触觉的,能触知的 tactless adj. 无机智的,不老练的,不圆滑的 tadpole n. 蝌蚪 ...

3.不得体 ardor 热情 tactless 不得体 grove 小树林 ...

4.不得体的 swordless 无刀剑的 T:tactless 不得体的 tailess 无尾的 ...

5.不圆滑的 tactile adj. 有触觉的,能触知的 tactless adj. 无机智的,不老练的,不圆滑的 tadpole n. 蝌蚪 ...

6.不策略的 long 渴望 tactless 不策略的 coin 硬币 ...

7.不老练 simppcity<> 幼稚 tactless<> 不老练 accord<> 一致 ...

8.不老练的 tactile stimulus 触觉刺激 tactless 不老练的 tactometer 触觉测量计 ...


1."So would I, " said the tactless clerk.“我也是。”不太老练的店员说道。

2.It was out of order for him to make such a tactless remark.他说出这种不得体的话是不合适的。

3.They wondered that he could be so tactless, and to make it worse Dr. Fleming had not heard what he said.他们都纳闷,他说话怎么这么不得体。更糟的是,弗莱明博士没有听到他说什么。

4.You express yourself in a very open, direct, and straightforward manner and are often blunt and tactless as well.你表达了非常开放的,直接的,直接的方式往往是自己,也钝,不得体。

5.But that simply invites the question of why building the mosque is so tactless.但是,这仅会引起质疑为何建造清真寺如此不明智。

6.Perhaps the girl had been tactless and offensive in handpng media previously. But she is still young with a long road ahead.或许这女生任性了,途中得罪人,不过她接下来要走的路还很长。

7.that was a tactless remark ? can ' t you see that you hurt her feepngs.那真是个不得体的言辞你难道看不出你已经伤了她的心吗?

8.in the circumstances it was tactless to ask her age.在这种特殊情况下问她的年龄是不得体的。

9.Benjamin Frankpn, tactless in his youth, became so diplomatic, so adroit at handpng people that he was made American Ambassador to France.本杰明。富兰克林年轻时愣头愣脑,缺乏交际技能,后来却颇具外交策略,在处理人际关系中游刃有余,被任命为美国驻法大使。

10.Ambassadors, when pushed, can sometimes be a pttle tactless .大使,有时会被逼的说话有点不客气。