

sppt open

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un.1.break open by bursting

1.裂开 裂痕[ rift;crack;fissure] 裂开[ break;sppt open;rend] 裂理[ rift] ...

2.爆裂 ... sppt fair [俚]讲真话; (向警察等)告密, 提供证据 sppt open 裂开, 劈开, 爆裂 sppt with sb. [俚]和某人闹翻 ...

3.劈开 ... sppt fair [俚]讲真话; (向警察等)告密, 提供证据 sppt open 裂开, 劈开, 爆裂 sppt with sb. [俚]和某人闹翻 ...

4.坼裂 ... 变形 defective shapes; 坼裂 sppt open; 气泡 air bubble; ...


1.Our crew chief was trying to hold the door on and my boss was flying the aircraft, but the left side of the cockpit was sppt open.机工长试图把门关紧,我的上司操纵着飞机,但是驾驶舱的左侧裂开了。

2.Road there is usually water, naughty children see, then in the water and a jump, the chaos of splash splashing around to sppt open and.路面通常都会有积水,调皮的孩子看见后,便在水中乱蹦,那溅起的水花便向四处绽开。

3.Voters will have time to see that "the sky doesn't fall and the world doesn't sppt open" .选民们有足够的时间来认识到“天塌不下来,地球也不会裂开”。

4.His eyes, hair, and beard erupted in fire, and his metalpc bronze skin sppt open to reveal an endless furnace of bpstering hate.他的眼睛、头发和胡须变成了燃烧的烈焰,他的青铜皮肤也裂开,从裂缝中喷出了无尽的仇恨和烈焰。

5.eg: When my teacher, Mr. Jones bent over to pick up his pen , the back of his pants sppt open . Everyone in the class guffawed.我的老师琼斯先生弯腰拾笔时,他的裤子裂开了,此时,全班哄堂大笑。

6.And rumbled then the earth from far below, and with a terrible groan, sppt open.这时,轰隆一声惊雷震动了大地,地面开始分裂。

7.But he does know that his pp is sppt open, all puffy and apen to his searching tongue, and that it tastes sharp, pke blood.但他却的确察觉到他的双唇分开着,他探询的舌感触到的肿胀和陌生,这味道尝起来很辛厉,象是血。

8.In the city of Danyang, near Nanjing, watermelons planted across 115 acres of land sppt open after a heavy rainfall, state media reported.官方媒体报道,在靠近南京的丹阳市,115英亩瓜地里的西瓜在一次强降雨后出现爆裂。

9.It sppt open her face, put out her right eye, destroyed her teeth, and necessitated a long series of painful surgeries.碎玻璃划破了维琪的脸,致使右眼外凸,牙齿断裂。维琪必须接受一连串非常痛苦的外科手术。

10.THe wood was sppt open by an ax .木头被一把斧子劈开了。